Recent developments. August 24. Analysis.
Sergey Galushko
In recent days the media are trying to tell us that "the last bastion of strength Gaddafi" the city of Sabha was taken by the rebels. And they quite forget that the official version of these media under there are still at least two large cities - of Sirte and Ben-Walid under the control of Gaddafi . The incoming official information from the Western media is so Cute and our television stations prefer to forget about Libya, but this information is readily picked up by a number of news agencies. But the situation in Libya is fundamentally different to what they tell us! 0
Sirte. The town, which is situated in the south, in the 20th of September it was subjected to massive bombardment. In those days a column of the rebel forces popped the city. It included tanks, and "pick up", and artillery. In the city there was waiting for an attack of rebels the "fifth column", which did not wait for their "liberators." since the 20th of september."Fifth Column" has been suppressed by the militia. And the rebels themselves stranded in the wilderness in the truest sense of the word.
The fact is that when the rebels "weremarching as a threatening army to the last stronghold of al-Gaddafi" a sandy storm rose in the desert, which prevented myatezhikam move on! Having survived the storm of the rebels moved on ...
Only by 21 September they were able to reach Sabha. The same day, media headlines started their "news"on Sabha been "captured" and the successful escape from the city of al-Gaddafi. But there is a question whether Gaddafi was there in Sabha?? There is a strange tendency of rebels to report from there sources before "to capture" a city - on the arrivial there Gaddafi. It is as if they are justified before the whole world, saying that there is al-Gaddafi, and they are forced to storm the city.
"It is so much important for us to catch al-Gaddafi, that we are willing to destroy half of the city, and even the whole city, but Gadhafi must be catched."
Nobody will try to understand who is responsible, but the blame can always be blamed on Gaddafi.
But back to Sabha. So on September , the 21st media started talking about taking Sabha. Nobody thinks that the residents are for Gaddafi thereselves. And there are at least 150 000 people there in Sabha. Nobody thinks that the city is fortified. Nobody thinks that there are fortified military bases in city! Of course, it is more important to pick up and carry a sensation around the world. And why deal, if this work will make bloggers. And then as an excuse media says its favorite - "oops! It is our small mistake." On the 21st of September rebels launched an attack the city without having rest.
After fierce fighting with the city's defenders the rebels were driven back from the city not less than 100 km. It is known that the rebels themselves are fragmented military formation, each of which is subjected to its chieftain or commander. The battle for Sabha has shattered the rebels more. Psychologically depressed, seeing no future the rebels being in despear are refusing to obey their commanders for , NATO does not pay "wages". Now their attacks on Sabha are not even attacks, the rebels are trying to break into the city to plunder and pillage. In principle, only this unites them now. To date (now September 24) the following is known.
On the 24th of September the following is known. Rebels again tried to access Sabha, but were ambushed and were surrounded. Many of them died, some ran away, and hundreds were taken in prison. It was reported from another source that the city's defenders made a sortie. As a result of there attacks there have been killed 212 NATO mercenaries ... and more than 320 wounded were captured, including many of them had serious and fatal injuries.
France is not going to cure common Libyans. As we see NATO and one of the gang are not interested in the interests of the civilian Libyansans . For example, a hospital was bombed there in Sirte, and the Ukrainian doctor was wounded there . We are witnessing a situation which saw a kid in kindergarten - we take the doll to parts, we take its hands, feet, head off, and then quietly fasten it back, ie, treat. France is doing the same children's verse to the Libyan people ... And France " still will not give up, because he's good." But as it was already mentioned, the interests of the Libyan people will not worry anybody.
The company of rebel and al Qaeda fighterswill be treated, and they will need a help not of a surgeon but a psychologist or psychiatrist.
it is known on the 24th of September that the rebels have lost about 57 fighters. Hundreds of rebels are captured. In addition, different techniques, including 25 trucks are captured. Humanitarian situation develops poor. There is no electricity and no water. According to the testimonies of inhabitants fighting has no end. This is understandable. The fact is that demoralized fighters who were not given a salary, have decided activite robbery and looting. But the city is still resisting. We also know that the city is surrounded, and food system is broken. Starvation threatens the city.
Sirte. This city is the birthplace of Muammar Gaddafi. From the outset it was clear that the "object" just will not give up. But none of the rebels did not think the resistance will be like that. In contrast to Sabha and Ben-Valid it was a great nomber of rebel fighters who assaulted Sirte. They were 6000 as manpower, plus NATO special forces and 900 pickups, as Makhno carts and more than a hundred of tanks, which the media does not talk about... Just the sort of thing here ... There were not Libyan tanks but Qatar!
Rebels had such a force, that according to their reports the city which was protected wuth some pathetic bunch of supporters of al-Gaddafi, had to fall as from a glacier mountain peak. But the expectedmiracle did not happen. The city survived, and its defenses protected the city and also inflicted a huge defeat to the rebels! According to the latest news the city is being bombed. Suffering is delivered in the most of residentials. All the "skyscraper" are bombing that in the future there would be no snipers, because of which the rebels were defeated and lost the fight one by one.
Tripoli. The capital is going through hard times for the rebels. The fact that the students of Al-Fateh have recently raised the green banner that urged residents to fight the rebels. There are demonstrations in the city and they often become in armed clashes with the rebels.
It is known that the snipers are now working the way that they are not calculated. There are fighting in towns not far from Tripoli, for example, we know that Zawiya resists the rebels.
And according to recent data there is fighting between rebels and the NATO people in some areas of TripoliBenghazi. The situation for the insurgents in their town of its characters is not better for rebels.. There are always fights between gangs and insurgents islam militants. Meanwhile, the tribes Varfalla and Obeidi decided to exploit the situation. As a result, in some areas of Bengazi the green flags are raised . Almost the whole Cyrenaica is fighting, and one often does not know who is against whom. But Gaddafi militias wins.
Personality. There were murders and loud and dramatic arrests during these weeks. For example, there were arrested 17 special forces of NATO, which is currently giving evidence, and loud reading. By the way, the Red Cross asks for meetings with them, and some data in order to kill them. And they will be tortured heroes - fighters for democracy for the rest world. But we will consider only the last day. Thus, it became known that he was arrested Alkobru Ramadan. This person is known to arm the rebels, when they went to Tripoli.
Aisha Gaddafihas manifested herself, "Moy's father is alive and okay. He fights with my brothers and supporters to make Libya free".
Aisha Gaddafihas manifested herself, "Moy's father is alive and okay. He fights with my brothers and supporters to make Libya free".
There are reports of Saadi Gadhafi, son who went to Niger, where he was "arrested". According to recent reports, he arrived in Niger, accompanied by thousands of soldiers, the Tuareg. By the way the Tuareg is one of the largerst ethnic groups in Africa, numbering more than 5 million and inhabiting Libya, Algeria, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Morocco. They decided to join the war against the rebels. The fact that they killed many Tuaregs in Libya. And tribes in Africa did not like it ... And by the way The Tuareg are' very cruel and warlike people. For example, in the past times everybody who saw the face of the Tuareg waited of a unenviable fate of being killed by them ...
Sergey Galushko
In recent days the media are trying to tell us that "the last bastion of strength Gaddafi" the city of Sabha was taken by the rebels. And they quite forget that the official version of these media under there are still at least two large cities - of Sirte and Ben-Walid under the control of Gaddafi . The incoming official information from the Western media is so Cute and our television stations prefer to forget about Libya, but this information is readily picked up by a number of news agencies. But the situation in Libya is fundamentally different to what they tell us! 0
Sirte. The town, which is situated in the south, in the 20th of September it was subjected to massive bombardment. In those days a column of the rebel forces popped the city. It included tanks, and "pick up", and artillery. In the city there was waiting for an attack of rebels the "fifth column", which did not wait for their "liberators." since the 20th of september."Fifth Column" has been suppressed by the militia. And the rebels themselves stranded in the wilderness in the truest sense of the word.
The fact is that when the rebels "weremarching as a threatening army to the last stronghold of al-Gaddafi" a sandy storm rose in the desert, which prevented myatezhikam move on! Having survived the storm of the rebels moved on ...
Only by 21 September they were able to reach Sabha. The same day, media headlines started their "news"on Sabha been "captured" and the successful escape from the city of al-Gaddafi. But there is a question whether Gaddafi was there in Sabha?? There is a strange tendency of rebels to report from there sources before "to capture" a city - on the arrivial there Gaddafi. It is as if they are justified before the whole world, saying that there is al-Gaddafi, and they are forced to storm the city.
"It is so much important for us to catch al-Gaddafi, that we are willing to destroy half of the city, and even the whole city, but Gadhafi must be catched."
Nobody will try to understand who is responsible, but the blame can always be blamed on Gaddafi.
But back to Sabha. So on September , the 21st media started talking about taking Sabha. Nobody thinks that the residents are for Gaddafi thereselves. And there are at least 150 000 people there in Sabha. Nobody thinks that the city is fortified. Nobody thinks that there are fortified military bases in city! Of course, it is more important to pick up and carry a sensation around the world. And why deal, if this work will make bloggers. And then as an excuse media says its favorite - "oops! It is our small mistake." On the 21st of September rebels launched an attack the city without having rest.
After fierce fighting with the city's defenders the rebels were driven back from the city not less than 100 km. It is known that the rebels themselves are fragmented military formation, each of which is subjected to its chieftain or commander. The battle for Sabha has shattered the rebels more. Psychologically depressed, seeing no future the rebels being in despear are refusing to obey their commanders for , NATO does not pay "wages". Now their attacks on Sabha are not even attacks, the rebels are trying to break into the city to plunder and pillage. In principle, only this unites them now. To date (now September 24) the following is known.
On the 24th of September the following is known. Rebels again tried to access Sabha, but were ambushed and were surrounded. Many of them died, some ran away, and hundreds were taken in prison. It was reported from another source that the city's defenders made a sortie. As a result of there attacks there have been killed 212 NATO mercenaries ... and more than 320 wounded were captured, including many of them had serious and fatal injuries.
France is not going to cure common Libyans. As we see NATO and one of the gang are not interested in the interests of the civilian Libyansans . For example, a hospital was bombed there in Sirte, and the Ukrainian doctor was wounded there . We are witnessing a situation which saw a kid in kindergarten - we take the doll to parts, we take its hands, feet, head off, and then quietly fasten it back, ie, treat. France is doing the same children's verse to the Libyan people ... And France " still will not give up, because he's good." But as it was already mentioned, the interests of the Libyan people will not worry anybody.
The company of rebel and al Qaeda fighterswill be treated, and they will need a help not of a surgeon but a psychologist or psychiatrist.
it is known on the 24th of September that the rebels have lost about 57 fighters. Hundreds of rebels are captured. In addition, different techniques, including 25 trucks are captured. Humanitarian situation develops poor. There is no electricity and no water. According to the testimonies of inhabitants fighting has no end. This is understandable. The fact is that demoralized fighters who were not given a salary, have decided activite robbery and looting. But the city is still resisting. We also know that the city is surrounded, and food system is broken. Starvation threatens the city.
Sirte. This city is the birthplace of Muammar Gaddafi. From the outset it was clear that the "object" just will not give up. But none of the rebels did not think the resistance will be like that. In contrast to Sabha and Ben-Valid it was a great nomber of rebel fighters who assaulted Sirte. They were 6000 as manpower, plus NATO special forces and 900 pickups, as Makhno carts and more than a hundred of tanks, which the media does not talk about... Just the sort of thing here ... There were not Libyan tanks but Qatar!
Rebels had such a force, that according to their reports the city which was protected wuth some pathetic bunch of supporters of al-Gaddafi, had to fall as from a glacier mountain peak. But the expectedmiracle did not happen. The city survived, and its defenses protected the city and also inflicted a huge defeat to the rebels! According to the latest news the city is being bombed. Suffering is delivered in the most of residentials. All the "skyscraper" are bombing that in the future there would be no snipers, because of which the rebels were defeated and lost the fight one by one.
Tripoli. The capital is going through hard times for the rebels. The fact that the students of Al-Fateh have recently raised the green banner that urged residents to fight the rebels. There are demonstrations in the city and they often become in armed clashes with the rebels.
It is known that the snipers are now working the way that they are not calculated. There are fighting in towns not far from Tripoli, for example, we know that Zawiya resists the rebels.
And according to recent data there is fighting between rebels and the NATO people in some areas of TripoliBenghazi. The situation for the insurgents in their town of its characters is not better for rebels.. There are always fights between gangs and insurgents islam militants. Meanwhile, the tribes Varfalla and Obeidi decided to exploit the situation. As a result, in some areas of Bengazi the green flags are raised . Almost the whole Cyrenaica is fighting, and one often does not know who is against whom. But Gaddafi militias wins.
Personality. There were murders and loud and dramatic arrests during these weeks. For example, there were arrested 17 special forces of NATO, which is currently giving evidence, and loud reading. By the way, the Red Cross asks for meetings with them, and some data in order to kill them. And they will be tortured heroes - fighters for democracy for the rest world. But we will consider only the last day. Thus, it became known that he was arrested Alkobru Ramadan. This person is known to arm the rebels, when they went to Tripoli.
Aisha Gaddafihas manifested herself, "Moy's father is alive and okay. He fights with my brothers and supporters to make Libya free".
Aisha Gaddafihas manifested herself, "Moy's father is alive and okay. He fights with my brothers and supporters to make Libya free".
There are reports of Saadi Gadhafi, son who went to Niger, where he was "arrested". According to recent reports, he arrived in Niger, accompanied by thousands of soldiers, the Tuareg. By the way the Tuareg is one of the largerst ethnic groups in Africa, numbering more than 5 million and inhabiting Libya, Algeria, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Morocco. They decided to join the war against the rebels. The fact that they killed many Tuaregs in Libya. And tribes in Africa did not like it ... And by the way The Tuareg are' very cruel and warlike people. For example, in the past times everybody who saw the face of the Tuareg waited of a unenviable fate of being killed by them ...
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