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Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
Völker hört die Signale! Gestern der Irak, heute Libyen, morgen Syrien und dann die ganze Welt! Das ist der Kriegsschrei der „Neuen Weltordnung“ und gleichzeitig die Abkehr von Menschlichkeit und das Ignorieren von Völkerrecht und UN-Charta! Fallt denen in die Arme, die das Töten von Menschen zur Alltäglichkeit werden lassen wollen! Es dient nur Wenigen und nicht Euch! Steht endlich auf und lasst euch nicht belügen! Rettet die Humanität und kämpft für eine friedliche Erde! Der Mensch ist das Maß aller Dinge und nicht die Wenigen, die über Leichenberge ihre Interessen durchsetzen wollen!

Freitag, 23. September 2011

Analisis: Resistance to the invaders in Libya continues

First: "NATO air strikes cannot last forever," the season of sandstorms, which will continue until March begins in late October in Libya ... will not be possible to use the aircraftIt effectively at this time ...
Second, frozen Libyan money (from 130 to 170 billion dollars according to different estimates) in Western banks are over, and the countries of NATO will realize their operations in Libya, for their own money, rather the money of local taxpayers in the USA, France, Britain, Germany, Italy ...
Third: The West has to pay the mercenaries and "peaceful demonstrators" also at its own expense ...
If payment is not received during the "peaceful protesters" they can easily turn their weapons to the West, as has already repeatedly been in Afghanistan ...
Fourth, the unity between the Islamists and members of "the pocket of diarrhea"
in Russian TNC sounds llike this - it may not occur in the foreseeable future, there are no fundamental contradictions between the disposable "associates" yet...
Fifth, there are major contradictions in the camp and the participants of the coalition of NATO on the proportion of each country in their part of Libya oil; and they also cannot find an agreement on contracts of rebuilding the infrastructure of Libya ...
Sixth: There will be held the elections of the Presidents of the United States and France in 2012. And now ratings of Obama and Sarkozy reached the minimum (fall through the floor) and another member of coalition Merkel (Germany) has already lost her elections .. .
Seventh, at the present time the number of militia under the leadership of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is steadily increasing and at the beginning of the season of sandstorms, the supporters of al-Gaddafi will seize the initiative at the badly battered "insurgents" and move to the decisive offensive action ...
Eighth: the side of Gaddafi's government is taken over Algeria, the authorities of Algeria are apprehension of a repetition of Libyan script at their country. Algeria helps Gaddafi, Algerian volunteers fight on the side of al-Gaddafi, and staff trims the Libyan border of the Algerian city of Islamist garbage ... Help from the African Union and such counties as Niger, South Africa, Angola, Mali comes to Gaddafi ... Practically the whole Africa sympathizes and supports al-Gaddafi, and it is not limited to recruiting volunteers ...
Ninth: There isT a real guerrilla war in ripoli and other controlled by "the pocket of diarrhea"
cities of Libya. They were several NATO helicopters brought down, every day dozens of "the pocket of diarrhea"- members are
destroyed by a sniper and other weapons and the coalition forces has nothing to
countere the tactics of Gaddafi; the coalition forces have no strength or capacity ...
Tenth: In connection with the storm of Sirte and Bani Walid ... "Diarrhea" and Islamists have reduced their troops in other cities under their control; it leads to increase the activity of groups and cells and supporters of al-Gaddafi, which will eventually lead to the loss of control by the "the pocket of diarrhea"
in these cities. This has already happened in Tripoli, Benghazi and Misurata ...
Eleventh: On the 27th ofSeptember the Resolution № 1973 of the no-fly zone ends , China and Russia were against the continuation of this resolution and are likely to reject to prolong it the UN Security Council ... and even if they do? then read the item first season of sandstorms ...
Twelfth: Gaddafi is willing to continue the resistance and he has his abiity to ...
a) He was clearly not impressed with the fate of Milosevic ...
b) He does not believe the West ...
c) He did not build socialism in Libya for 42 yerars for this...
d) He will not forgive the death of grandchildren, the sons and the destruction of his country ...
e) The Berbers, Bedouins are the valiant warrior sof the desert , and Gaddafi will fight to the end ...
e) The battle-worthy army personnel, which is constantly updated with volunteer militias remains ...

All that was said proves that Gaddafi will win this war, the occupiers will be either driven from the territory of Libya, or destroyed, and it is not bravado that is a fact!
Translation from Russian:Dip394

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