Über mich
- Lutz Schindler
- Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
- Völker hört die Signale! Gestern der Irak, heute Libyen, morgen Syrien und dann die ganze Welt! Das ist der Kriegsschrei der „Neuen Weltordnung“ und gleichzeitig die Abkehr von Menschlichkeit und das Ignorieren von Völkerrecht und UN-Charta! Fallt denen in die Arme, die das Töten von Menschen zur Alltäglichkeit werden lassen wollen! Es dient nur Wenigen und nicht Euch! Steht endlich auf und lasst euch nicht belügen! Rettet die Humanität und kämpft für eine friedliche Erde! Der Mensch ist das Maß aller Dinge und nicht die Wenigen, die über Leichenberge ihre Interessen durchsetzen wollen!
Freitag, 30. September 2011
Donnerstag, 29. September 2011
Mittwoch, 28. September 2011
Dienstag, 27. September 2011
Montag, 26. September 2011
Sonntag, 25. September 2011
Friends of vsmrk, mrfarajhassan, pass them this, please!
Internet Community fighters "for Gaddafi and his people," broadcast:
Caught another gunner http://twitter.com/ #! / Markito0 171, should be possible to pass in Sirte. Urgent. Let the tracking account. Should be changed zasechennye position as soon as possible - a little flying time. This skunk works just as much. Very very dangerous, the coordinates of time and target detection can porobovat locate providers coordinate and destroy. This is not a fan. Work professionally. Listen Mutassima frequency,
Internet Community fighters "for Gaddafi and his people," broadcast:
Caught another gunner http://twitter.com/ #! / Markito0 171, should be possible to pass in Sirte. Urgent. Let the tracking account. Should be changed zasechennye position as soon as possible - a little flying time. This skunk works just as much. Very very dangerous, the coordinates of time and target detection can porobovat locate providers coordinate and destroy. This is not a fan. Work professionally. Listen Mutassima frequency,
from Adrenalinkz:BREAKING NEWS 24.
from Adrenalinkz:BREAKING NEWS 24.9.201
Tripoli.NATO RATS naval base in Tripoli was destroyed today when Libyan mujaheeds have placed 7 c16 bombs earlier today.
Hard fight today the tribes tarhouna entered Tripoli and killed many rats.
Sebha. Last night 64 rats were killed 200 wounded and 7 captured.
Arab socialistic party BAAS with chief commander Izat Ibrahim Al-Duri join Libyan army and Libyan people in National Liberation War against NATO imperialism.
In Sirte NATO is bombing everything possible, homes, hospitals, schools, especially in the west area of tthe town.
Info on 25.9.2011. Sirte is still controlling by Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds. Last attack of NATO&Rats failed.
Lizzie Phelan Friends in Libya are informing that the International Red Cross are discriminating against Libyans who do not display open support for the rebels and are not
helping people looking for their dead loved ones. Please call them to complain +41 22 730 20 11 5 hours
Lizzie Phelan That number is for Steven Anderson. There are more numbers here:
Soaade Messoudi, ICRC Tripoli, tel. +218 913 066 198 Dibeh Fakhr, ICRC Benghazi, tel. +870 772 390 124 (ext. 250) or +218 9 923 304 560 Steven Anderson, ICRC Geneva, tel.
+41 79 536 92 50 or +41 22 730 20 11 Nicole Engelbrecht, ICRC Geneva, tel. +41 79 217 32 17
Thanks to starlight76able for sharing thoughts:
Дата: 23.09.11
Thank you for reminding me through this article that you have kindly sent for me about the sandstorms in Libya happening between late October another great loss for those eveil bastards NATO it continues to get better and better. Also read in another article on Mathaba News that the demented Rebel Commander another one of these Rats brilliant ideas has decided to cease fighting for a week because they claim they have no ammunition. What a load of garbage. Where pray tell me is the logic in that genious move, END IT NOW. Have those Rats, NATO, the CIA, Al Quieda, UN, MI6 and the entire West caused enought destruction, carnage murders and crimes already plus the fact they have lost since day one. The Rats are weak and pathetic and have no modus operendi or MO as you also know it to be and yet they continue with their mass genocide with their evil present day Hitlers their friends and comrades the West. The whole lot of them continue to me severely mentally incapacitated. Demented bastards.
Long live and God bless Green Libya, and long live and God bless Brother Leader Colonel Gaddafi always. VIVA GREE, ALLAHU AKBAR.
God !Bless Kaddafi and his Army! May Allah Protect Kaddafi and his Army and give them Victory! Inshllah! may allah gives victory to mo3amar and libyan army .:
الله ينصر الجيش الليبي ومعمر القذافي
Tripoli.NATO RATS naval base in Tripoli was destroyed today when Libyan mujaheeds have placed 7 c16 bombs earlier today.
Hard fight today the tribes tarhouna entered Tripoli and killed many rats.
Sebha. Last night 64 rats were killed 200 wounded and 7 captured.
Arab socialistic party BAAS with chief commander Izat Ibrahim Al-Duri join Libyan army and Libyan people in National Liberation War against NATO imperialism.
In Sirte NATO is bombing everything possible, homes, hospitals, schools, especially in the west area of tthe town.
Info on 25.9.2011. Sirte is still controlling by Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds. Last attack of NATO&Rats failed.
Lizzie Phelan Friends in Libya are informing that the International Red Cross are discriminating against Libyans who do not display open support for the rebels and are not
helping people looking for their dead loved ones. Please call them to complain +41 22 730 20 11 5 hours
Lizzie Phelan That number is for Steven Anderson. There are more numbers here:
Soaade Messoudi, ICRC Tripoli, tel. +218 913 066 198 Dibeh Fakhr, ICRC Benghazi, tel. +870 772 390 124 (ext. 250) or +218 9 923 304 560 Steven Anderson, ICRC Geneva, tel.
+41 79 536 92 50 or +41 22 730 20 11 Nicole Engelbrecht, ICRC Geneva, tel. +41 79 217 32 17
Thanks to starlight76able for sharing thoughts:
Дата: 23.09.11
Thank you for reminding me through this article that you have kindly sent for me about the sandstorms in Libya happening between late October another great loss for those eveil bastards NATO it continues to get better and better. Also read in another article on Mathaba News that the demented Rebel Commander another one of these Rats brilliant ideas has decided to cease fighting for a week because they claim they have no ammunition. What a load of garbage. Where pray tell me is the logic in that genious move, END IT NOW. Have those Rats, NATO, the CIA, Al Quieda, UN, MI6 and the entire West caused enought destruction, carnage murders and crimes already plus the fact they have lost since day one. The Rats are weak and pathetic and have no modus operendi or MO as you also know it to be and yet they continue with their mass genocide with their evil present day Hitlers their friends and comrades the West. The whole lot of them continue to me severely mentally incapacitated. Demented bastards.
Long live and God bless Green Libya, and long live and God bless Brother Leader Colonel Gaddafi always. VIVA GREE, ALLAHU AKBAR.
God !Bless Kaddafi and his Army! May Allah Protect Kaddafi and his Army and give them Victory! Inshllah! may allah gives victory to mo3amar and libyan army .:
الله ينصر الجيش الليبي ومعمر القذافي
Samstag, 24. September 2011
Recent developments. August 24. Analysis
Recent developments. August 24. Analysis.
Sergey Galushko
In recent days the media are trying to tell us that "the last bastion of strength Gaddafi" the city of Sabha was taken by the rebels. And they quite forget that the official version of these media under there are still at least two large cities - of Sirte and Ben-Walid under the control of Gaddafi . The incoming official information from the Western media is so Cute and our television stations prefer to forget about Libya, but this information is readily picked up by a number of news agencies. But the situation in Libya is fundamentally different to what they tell us! 0
Sirte. The town, which is situated in the south, in the 20th of September it was subjected to massive bombardment. In those days a column of the rebel forces popped the city. It included tanks, and "pick up", and artillery. In the city there was waiting for an attack of rebels the "fifth column", which did not wait for their "liberators." since the 20th of september."Fifth Column" has been suppressed by the militia. And the rebels themselves stranded in the wilderness in the truest sense of the word.
The fact is that when the rebels "weremarching as a threatening army to the last stronghold of al-Gaddafi" a sandy storm rose in the desert, which prevented myatezhikam move on! Having survived the storm of the rebels moved on ...
Only by 21 September they were able to reach Sabha. The same day, media headlines started their "news"on Sabha been "captured" and the successful escape from the city of al-Gaddafi. But there is a question whether Gaddafi was there in Sabha?? There is a strange tendency of rebels to report from there sources before "to capture" a city - on the arrivial there Gaddafi. It is as if they are justified before the whole world, saying that there is al-Gaddafi, and they are forced to storm the city.
"It is so much important for us to catch al-Gaddafi, that we are willing to destroy half of the city, and even the whole city, but Gadhafi must be catched."
Nobody will try to understand who is responsible, but the blame can always be blamed on Gaddafi.
But back to Sabha. So on September , the 21st media started talking about taking Sabha. Nobody thinks that the residents are for Gaddafi thereselves. And there are at least 150 000 people there in Sabha. Nobody thinks that the city is fortified. Nobody thinks that there are fortified military bases in city! Of course, it is more important to pick up and carry a sensation around the world. And why deal, if this work will make bloggers. And then as an excuse media says its favorite - "oops! It is our small mistake." On the 21st of September rebels launched an attack the city without having rest.
After fierce fighting with the city's defenders the rebels were driven back from the city not less than 100 km. It is known that the rebels themselves are fragmented military formation, each of which is subjected to its chieftain or commander. The battle for Sabha has shattered the rebels more. Psychologically depressed, seeing no future the rebels being in despear are refusing to obey their commanders for , NATO does not pay "wages". Now their attacks on Sabha are not even attacks, the rebels are trying to break into the city to plunder and pillage. In principle, only this unites them now. To date (now September 24) the following is known.
On the 24th of September the following is known. Rebels again tried to access Sabha, but were ambushed and were surrounded. Many of them died, some ran away, and hundreds were taken in prison. It was reported from another source that the city's defenders made a sortie. As a result of there attacks there have been killed 212 NATO mercenaries ... and more than 320 wounded were captured, including many of them had serious and fatal injuries.
France is not going to cure common Libyans. As we see NATO and one of the gang are not interested in the interests of the civilian Libyansans . For example, a hospital was bombed there in Sirte, and the Ukrainian doctor was wounded there . We are witnessing a situation which saw a kid in kindergarten - we take the doll to parts, we take its hands, feet, head off, and then quietly fasten it back, ie, treat. France is doing the same children's verse to the Libyan people ... And France " still will not give up, because he's good." But as it was already mentioned, the interests of the Libyan people will not worry anybody.
The company of rebel and al Qaeda fighterswill be treated, and they will need a help not of a surgeon but a psychologist or psychiatrist.
it is known on the 24th of September that the rebels have lost about 57 fighters. Hundreds of rebels are captured. In addition, different techniques, including 25 trucks are captured. Humanitarian situation develops poor. There is no electricity and no water. According to the testimonies of inhabitants fighting has no end. This is understandable. The fact is that demoralized fighters who were not given a salary, have decided activite robbery and looting. But the city is still resisting. We also know that the city is surrounded, and food system is broken. Starvation threatens the city.
Sirte. This city is the birthplace of Muammar Gaddafi. From the outset it was clear that the "object" just will not give up. But none of the rebels did not think the resistance will be like that. In contrast to Sabha and Ben-Valid it was a great nomber of rebel fighters who assaulted Sirte. They were 6000 as manpower, plus NATO special forces and 900 pickups, as Makhno carts and more than a hundred of tanks, which the media does not talk about... Just the sort of thing here ... There were not Libyan tanks but Qatar!
Rebels had such a force, that according to their reports the city which was protected wuth some pathetic bunch of supporters of al-Gaddafi, had to fall as from a glacier mountain peak. But the expectedmiracle did not happen. The city survived, and its defenses protected the city and also inflicted a huge defeat to the rebels! According to the latest news the city is being bombed. Suffering is delivered in the most of residentials. All the "skyscraper" are bombing that in the future there would be no snipers, because of which the rebels were defeated and lost the fight one by one.
Tripoli. The capital is going through hard times for the rebels. The fact that the students of Al-Fateh have recently raised the green banner that urged residents to fight the rebels. There are demonstrations in the city and they often become in armed clashes with the rebels.
It is known that the snipers are now working the way that they are not calculated. There are fighting in towns not far from Tripoli, for example, we know that Zawiya resists the rebels.
And according to recent data there is fighting between rebels and the NATO people in some areas of TripoliBenghazi. The situation for the insurgents in their town of its characters is not better for rebels.. There are always fights between gangs and insurgents islam militants. Meanwhile, the tribes Varfalla and Obeidi decided to exploit the situation. As a result, in some areas of Bengazi the green flags are raised . Almost the whole Cyrenaica is fighting, and one often does not know who is against whom. But Gaddafi militias wins.
Personality. There were murders and loud and dramatic arrests during these weeks. For example, there were arrested 17 special forces of NATO, which is currently giving evidence, and loud reading. By the way, the Red Cross asks for meetings with them, and some data in order to kill them. And they will be tortured heroes - fighters for democracy for the rest world. But we will consider only the last day. Thus, it became known that he was arrested Alkobru Ramadan. This person is known to arm the rebels, when they went to Tripoli.
Aisha Gaddafihas manifested herself, "Moy's father is alive and okay. He fights with my brothers and supporters to make Libya free".
Aisha Gaddafihas manifested herself, "Moy's father is alive and okay. He fights with my brothers and supporters to make Libya free".
There are reports of Saadi Gadhafi, son who went to Niger, where he was "arrested". According to recent reports, he arrived in Niger, accompanied by thousands of soldiers, the Tuareg. By the way the Tuareg is one of the largerst ethnic groups in Africa, numbering more than 5 million and inhabiting Libya, Algeria, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Morocco. They decided to join the war against the rebels. The fact that they killed many Tuaregs in Libya. And tribes in Africa did not like it ... And by the way The Tuareg are' very cruel and warlike people. For example, in the past times everybody who saw the face of the Tuareg waited of a unenviable fate of being killed by them ...
Sergey Galushko
In recent days the media are trying to tell us that "the last bastion of strength Gaddafi" the city of Sabha was taken by the rebels. And they quite forget that the official version of these media under there are still at least two large cities - of Sirte and Ben-Walid under the control of Gaddafi . The incoming official information from the Western media is so Cute and our television stations prefer to forget about Libya, but this information is readily picked up by a number of news agencies. But the situation in Libya is fundamentally different to what they tell us! 0
Sirte. The town, which is situated in the south, in the 20th of September it was subjected to massive bombardment. In those days a column of the rebel forces popped the city. It included tanks, and "pick up", and artillery. In the city there was waiting for an attack of rebels the "fifth column", which did not wait for their "liberators." since the 20th of september."Fifth Column" has been suppressed by the militia. And the rebels themselves stranded in the wilderness in the truest sense of the word.
The fact is that when the rebels "weremarching as a threatening army to the last stronghold of al-Gaddafi" a sandy storm rose in the desert, which prevented myatezhikam move on! Having survived the storm of the rebels moved on ...
Only by 21 September they were able to reach Sabha. The same day, media headlines started their "news"on Sabha been "captured" and the successful escape from the city of al-Gaddafi. But there is a question whether Gaddafi was there in Sabha?? There is a strange tendency of rebels to report from there sources before "to capture" a city - on the arrivial there Gaddafi. It is as if they are justified before the whole world, saying that there is al-Gaddafi, and they are forced to storm the city.
"It is so much important for us to catch al-Gaddafi, that we are willing to destroy half of the city, and even the whole city, but Gadhafi must be catched."
Nobody will try to understand who is responsible, but the blame can always be blamed on Gaddafi.
But back to Sabha. So on September , the 21st media started talking about taking Sabha. Nobody thinks that the residents are for Gaddafi thereselves. And there are at least 150 000 people there in Sabha. Nobody thinks that the city is fortified. Nobody thinks that there are fortified military bases in city! Of course, it is more important to pick up and carry a sensation around the world. And why deal, if this work will make bloggers. And then as an excuse media says its favorite - "oops! It is our small mistake." On the 21st of September rebels launched an attack the city without having rest.
After fierce fighting with the city's defenders the rebels were driven back from the city not less than 100 km. It is known that the rebels themselves are fragmented military formation, each of which is subjected to its chieftain or commander. The battle for Sabha has shattered the rebels more. Psychologically depressed, seeing no future the rebels being in despear are refusing to obey their commanders for , NATO does not pay "wages". Now their attacks on Sabha are not even attacks, the rebels are trying to break into the city to plunder and pillage. In principle, only this unites them now. To date (now September 24) the following is known.
On the 24th of September the following is known. Rebels again tried to access Sabha, but were ambushed and were surrounded. Many of them died, some ran away, and hundreds were taken in prison. It was reported from another source that the city's defenders made a sortie. As a result of there attacks there have been killed 212 NATO mercenaries ... and more than 320 wounded were captured, including many of them had serious and fatal injuries.
France is not going to cure common Libyans. As we see NATO and one of the gang are not interested in the interests of the civilian Libyansans . For example, a hospital was bombed there in Sirte, and the Ukrainian doctor was wounded there . We are witnessing a situation which saw a kid in kindergarten - we take the doll to parts, we take its hands, feet, head off, and then quietly fasten it back, ie, treat. France is doing the same children's verse to the Libyan people ... And France " still will not give up, because he's good." But as it was already mentioned, the interests of the Libyan people will not worry anybody.
The company of rebel and al Qaeda fighterswill be treated, and they will need a help not of a surgeon but a psychologist or psychiatrist.
it is known on the 24th of September that the rebels have lost about 57 fighters. Hundreds of rebels are captured. In addition, different techniques, including 25 trucks are captured. Humanitarian situation develops poor. There is no electricity and no water. According to the testimonies of inhabitants fighting has no end. This is understandable. The fact is that demoralized fighters who were not given a salary, have decided activite robbery and looting. But the city is still resisting. We also know that the city is surrounded, and food system is broken. Starvation threatens the city.
Sirte. This city is the birthplace of Muammar Gaddafi. From the outset it was clear that the "object" just will not give up. But none of the rebels did not think the resistance will be like that. In contrast to Sabha and Ben-Valid it was a great nomber of rebel fighters who assaulted Sirte. They were 6000 as manpower, plus NATO special forces and 900 pickups, as Makhno carts and more than a hundred of tanks, which the media does not talk about... Just the sort of thing here ... There were not Libyan tanks but Qatar!
Rebels had such a force, that according to their reports the city which was protected wuth some pathetic bunch of supporters of al-Gaddafi, had to fall as from a glacier mountain peak. But the expectedmiracle did not happen. The city survived, and its defenses protected the city and also inflicted a huge defeat to the rebels! According to the latest news the city is being bombed. Suffering is delivered in the most of residentials. All the "skyscraper" are bombing that in the future there would be no snipers, because of which the rebels were defeated and lost the fight one by one.
Tripoli. The capital is going through hard times for the rebels. The fact that the students of Al-Fateh have recently raised the green banner that urged residents to fight the rebels. There are demonstrations in the city and they often become in armed clashes with the rebels.
It is known that the snipers are now working the way that they are not calculated. There are fighting in towns not far from Tripoli, for example, we know that Zawiya resists the rebels.
And according to recent data there is fighting between rebels and the NATO people in some areas of TripoliBenghazi. The situation for the insurgents in their town of its characters is not better for rebels.. There are always fights between gangs and insurgents islam militants. Meanwhile, the tribes Varfalla and Obeidi decided to exploit the situation. As a result, in some areas of Bengazi the green flags are raised . Almost the whole Cyrenaica is fighting, and one often does not know who is against whom. But Gaddafi militias wins.
Personality. There were murders and loud and dramatic arrests during these weeks. For example, there were arrested 17 special forces of NATO, which is currently giving evidence, and loud reading. By the way, the Red Cross asks for meetings with them, and some data in order to kill them. And they will be tortured heroes - fighters for democracy for the rest world. But we will consider only the last day. Thus, it became known that he was arrested Alkobru Ramadan. This person is known to arm the rebels, when they went to Tripoli.
Aisha Gaddafihas manifested herself, "Moy's father is alive and okay. He fights with my brothers and supporters to make Libya free".
Aisha Gaddafihas manifested herself, "Moy's father is alive and okay. He fights with my brothers and supporters to make Libya free".
There are reports of Saadi Gadhafi, son who went to Niger, where he was "arrested". According to recent reports, he arrived in Niger, accompanied by thousands of soldiers, the Tuareg. By the way the Tuareg is one of the largerst ethnic groups in Africa, numbering more than 5 million and inhabiting Libya, Algeria, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Morocco. They decided to join the war against the rebels. The fact that they killed many Tuaregs in Libya. And tribes in Africa did not like it ... And by the way The Tuareg are' very cruel and warlike people. For example, in the past times everybody who saw the face of the Tuareg waited of a unenviable fate of being killed by them ...
GOING ROGUE: NATO's War Crimes in Libya
NATO's War Crimes in Libya.BREAKING NEWS 23.9.2011.
Ryuzakero, MissLibyana, mackdv1st, dandomina, TheJazairia, alphasex5, Hermundureify, camsrry2, AdamLibye, LibyaLibyan, almalek844, LibbiAna, TheJUNGLESURFER, Handsometruth, Mikrodasende, louisianagatorgirl, mkhangkhas, mp3libya, adrenalinkz, blacktjack101, TheAfricaTV, gile1981
Susan Lindauer. GOING ROGUE: NATO's War Crimes in Libya. Veterans Today, Tuesday, June 7th, 2011. — http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/06/07/going-rogue-natos-war-crimes-in-libya/
GOING ROGUE: NATO's War Crimes in Libya
Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 | Posted by former US Asset covering Libya at the United Nations
It's a story CNN won't report. Late at night there's a pounding on the door in Misurata. Armed soldiers force young Libyan women out of their beds at gun-point. Hustling the women and teenagers into trucks, the soldiers rush the women to gang bang parties for NATO rebels—or else rape them in front of their husbands or fathers. When NATO rebels finish their rape sport, the soldiers cut the women's throats.
Rapes are now ongoing acts of war in rebel-held cities, like an organized military strategy, according to refugees. Joanna Moriarty, who's part of a global fact-finding delegation visiting Tripoli this week, also reports that NATO rebels have gone house to house through Misurata, asking families if they support NATO. If the families say no, they are killed on the spot. If families say they want to stay out of the fighting, NATO rebels take a different approach to scare other families. The doors of "neutral homes" are welded shut, Moriarty says, trapping families inside. In Libyan homes, windows are typically barred. So when the doors to a family compound get welded shut, Libyans are entombed in their own houses, where NATO forces can be sure large families will slowly starve to death.
These are daily occurrences, not isolated events. And Gadhaffi's soldiers are not responsible. In fact, pro-Gadhaffi and "neutral" families are targeted as the victims of the attacks. Some of the NATO tactics may have occurred in hopes of laying blame on Gadhaffi's door. However the attacks are back firing.
Flashback to Serbia
The events are eerily reminiscent of Serbia's conflict in the Balkans with its notorious rape camps— Except today NATO itself is perpetrating these War Crimes—as if they have learned the worst terror tactics from their enemies.
Their actions would be categorized as War Crimes, just like Serb leader, Slobadon Milosevic—except that NATO won't allow itself to face prosecution. According to NATO, International Law is for the other guy.
NATO is wrong. So long as NATO governments provide the funding, assault rifles, military training, ground advisers, support vehicles and air power, they are fully responsible for the actions of their soldiers in the war zone. Libya's rebels are not a rag tag fighting force, either. Thanks to NATO's largesse, financed by U.S. and British taxpayers, they're fully decked out in military uniforms, parading through the streets with military vehicles for all the people to see.
And they do see. In Washington, Congress likes to pretend that America has not become involved in the day to day actualities of military planning. However refugees have observed U.S, British, French and Israeli soldiers standing by as rebel soldiers attack civilians.
"Rape parties" are the most graphic examples of NATO's loss of moral control. One weeping father told the fact-finding delegation how a couple of weeks ago NATO rebels targeted seven separate households, kidnapping a virgin daughter from each pro-Gadhaffi family. The rebels were paid for each kidnapped girl, just as they are paid for each Libyan soldier they kill— like mercenary soldiers. They hustled the girls into trucks, and took them to a building where the girls were locked in separate rooms.
NATO soldiers proceeded to drink alcohol, until they got very drunk. Then the leader told them to rape the virgin daughters in gang bang style. When they'd finished raping the girls, the NATO leader told them to cut the breasts off the living girls and bring the breasts to him. They did this while the girls were alive and screaming. All the girls died hideous deaths. Then their severed breasts were taken to a local square and arranged to spell the word "whore."
The grieving father spoke to a convention of workers, attended by the global fact-finding delegation. He was openly weeping, as all of us should. NATO's offenses in Libya are as terrible and unforgivable as Syria's castration and mutilation of the 13 year old boy that shocked the world. Yet so long as NATO's the guilty party, the western media has looked the other way in distaste.
Some of us are paying attention— We can see that NATO has gone rogue in Libya. And the Libyan people themselves consider it unforgivable. Last week, 2000 Tribal Leaders gathered in Tripoli to draft a Constitution for the country, as demanded by the British government. Notoriously, British warships and U.S. drones pounded the streets of Tripoli with bunker bombs and missiles for days and nights close to where the Tribal Leaders were meeting. From Tripoli, it felt awfully like the British were trying to stop the Libyan people from bringing this Constitution to life.
Tribal Leaders Condemn British Aggression
Here's what those 2,000 Tribal Leaders had to say about British aggression, in a statement approved unanimously on June 3. Sheikh Ali, head of the Tribal Leaders, delivered it to Joanna Moriarty and other members of the global fact finding mission:
"The Libyan people have the right to govern themselves. Constant attacks from the skies, at all hours of the day have completely disrupted the lives of the families of Libya. There has never been any fighting in Tripoli, yet we are bombed every day. We are civilians and we are being killed by the British and NATO. Civilians are people without guns, yet the British and NATO protect only the armed crusaders from the East by acting as their attack army. We have read the UN resolutions and there is no mention of bombing innocent civilians. There is no mention of assassinating the legitimate authorities in all of Libya."
"The Libyan People have the right to select their own leaders. We have suffered occupation by foreign countries for thousands of years. Only in the last 41 years have we Libyans enjoyed property ownership. Only in the last 41 years have we seen our country develop. Only in the last 41 years have we seen all of the Libyans enjoy a better life, and know that our children will have a better life then we have had. But now with the British and NATO bombings of our country, we see the destruction of our new and developed infrastructure."
"We leaders see the destruction of our culture. We leaders see tears in the eyes of our children because of the constant fear from the "rain of terror" in the skies of Libya from the British and NATO bombings. Our old people suffer from heart problems, increased diabetes and loss of vigor. Our young mothers are losing their babies every day because of the stress of the British and NATO bombings. These lost babies are the future of Libya. They can never be replaced. Our armies have been destroyed by the British and NATO bombings. We cannot defend ourselves from attacks from anyone."
"As Tribal Leaders of Libya, we must ask why have the British and NATO decided to wage this war against the Libyan people? There are a small percentage of dissidents in the east of Libya that started an armed insurrection against our legitimate authority. Every country has the right to defend itself against armed insurrection. So why cannot Libya defend itself?"
"The Tribal Leaders of Libya demand that all acts of aggression, by the British and NATO, against the Libyan People stop immediately. June 3, 2011″
Does that sound like NATO's got a winning strategy? If so, they should think again. Even if Gadhaffi falls, NATO has no hope of eliminating the entire tribal structure of the Libya, which embraces all families and clans. Instead NATO is losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the people with every missile that smashes into another building.
Tribal Backlash
The Libyan people are fighting back. This report arrived from Tripoli today. It is not edited, and describes a backlash in tribal warfare from the City of Darna in the East, where the rebellion is supposed to be strongest:
"People found the body of Martyr Hamdi Jumaa Al-Shalwi in Darna city eastern Libya. His head was cut off and then placed in front of the headquarters of the Internal Security Dernah. That was after being kidnapped from a checkpoint complex Herich. In response to this Al-Shalwi family erected a funeral tent to receive condolences in which the green flag [of Libya] was raised. After the funeral the whole city of Darna rose up with all its tribes which include:- the Abu Jazia family, Al-Shalwi family, The Quba families, Ain Marra families. After that, Al-Shalwi family and Bojazia tribe attacked the headquarters of the Transitional Council and shot all the rats (rebels) and green flags were raised. Furthermore, the son of Sofian Qamom was killed, also two members of Al- Qaeda got killed by residents of the city of Darna. The flag of the Libyan Jamahiriya was raised above Darna after the clashes."
CNN has reported none of this. The corporate media continues to lull Americans into false confidence in the progress of the Libyan War. Americans are way out of the loop as to the failures of the War effort. As a result, Libyans are losing trust in the potential for friendships with the West. An unlikely champion might restore that faith. Right now a team of international attorneys is preparing an emergency grievance on behalf of the Tribal Leaders and the Libyan people. The International Peace Community could contribute substantially to restoring Libya's faith in the West by supporting this human rights action. Indeed, the Libyan people and Tribal Leaders deserve our support. Together we must demand that NATO face prosecution for War Crimes, citing these examples and others.
NATO governments must be required to pay financial damages to Libyan families, on par with what the U.S. and Britain would demand for their own citizens under identical circumstances. The world cannot tolerate double standards, whereby powerful nations abuse helpless citizens. The International Geneva Conventions of War must be enforced, and equal force of the law must be applied.
The Fight for Misurata
Though attacks are widespread, some of the worst abuses are occurring in Misurata. The City has the only mega port in Libya, and handles transportation for the country, including the largest oil and gas depots. NATO will stop at nothing to take the City.
Refugees report that the Israeli Star of David flag was draped over the largest Mosque in Misurata on the second day of fighting, actions guaranteed to humiliate and antagonize the local population.
NATO forces have cut off food and medical supplies throughout Libya. But the seas are plentiful with fish in Mediterranean waters. Brave fishermen have taken their boats out of port, trying to harvest fish for the hungry population. To break their perseverance, American drones and British war planes steadily fire missiles on the fishing boats, deliberately targeting non-military vessels to chase them out of the waters.
Yet for all of its superior fire power and tactical advantages, NATO still appears to be losing. According to the fact-finding delegation, reporting today, many rebels have left Misurata and have taken boats back to Benghazi. The big central part of Misurata is now free and under central military control. The Libyan people shot down two helicopter gunships near the town of Zlitan. And although Al Jazeera played a grand story about a major uprising against Ghadafi in Tripoli, one of the Tribal leaders' wives lives on the street that claims to be the center of the demonstration, and declared that she saw no crowds out of her window. Buses pictured in Al Jazeera video do not run in Tripoli.
One has to ask: What kind of society does NATO think it's creating, if in fact Gadhaffi can be deposed—which looks very unlikely? Have Washington and London learned nothing from their failure in Iraq? The cruelty and debasement of NATO's forces is already fueling profound hatreds that will continue for the next generation.
Who could be proud of such "allies?" Not the Libyan people, surely.
NATO soldiers are no better than thugs. Anyone else would be labeled terrorists. Most worrisome, NATO's actions are guaranteed to have serious consequences for long term political stability in Libya. Vendettas are forming between tribes and family clans that will carry over for decades. It is extremely short-sighted and self destructive.
NATO should take this warning to heart: Its soldiers are not legal-proof. The International Peace Community is already taking action to uphold Libya's natural rights at the United Nations. Many of us in the International Peace Community shall defend Libya's women. And we shall demand War Crimes prosecution and major financial damages against NATO governments, on behalf of the people.
Nobody's fooled by NATO's story that Gadhaffi's the guilty party. We know that Washington, Britain, France, Italy— and Israel are the real culprits.
The murdered women of Misurata shall have justice. NATO can count on it.
This article can be reprinted in whole or part with attribution to the author
Susan Lindauer covered Libya at the United Nations as a U.S. Asset from 1995 to 2003, and started talks for the Lockerbie Trial. She is the author of Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq.
Confirmation comes regarding NATO Mercenaries who were trapped, gained heavy casualties in Sabha and fled. At least 45 killed and hundreds captured, the green flag still flying over Sabha according to new reports.
22/sept/11 Source from within Libya state that many NATO mercenaries have been captured by the Tarhuna Tribe, and the Tribe promised to continue fighting until every inch of the town is liberated, and all remnants of Mercenaries are kicked out.
Previously scenes of celebrations were reported in Tarhuna as thousands sang and cheered at the cover of the night, joyful faces emerged, waving green flag and chanting pro-Jamahariya slogans.
21/sept/11 Reports from the ground depict scenes of chaos outside the town of Bani Walid, witnesses claim that NATO militiamen and Mercenaries are once again fighting each other, many fighters have been shot, and one fighter's head have been blown off by an RPG.
This comes as fighting intensifies in the Capital, scenes of heavy fighting and explosions have been reported, also reports that Libyans have raised the Green flag over the Green Mountains in the east. Scenes of celebrations were posted in Tarhuna as reports suggests that the town have been liberated by its own people.
Once again NATO Mercenaries have been forced to flee Sirte after receiving heavy casualties, now waiting for NATO to terrorize the city once again.
NATO Militias and Mercenaries claim that only 45 people have been killed and that over 400 injured, hospitals are filled, NATO Special Ops who are injured are sent abroad for treatment.
Other reports suggests that over a hundred NATO Mercenaries and Militiamen have been killed and unknown numbers injured.
21/sept/11 The footage which CNN is showing is old, from when they just entered Sabha, no resistance at all, because it was a trap. When they advanced inwards they received heavy casualties and were forced to flee according to reports and sources within Libya.
Right now they are playing a propaganda war like they played in Sirte, they already retreated from Sirte but NATO media continually said they controlled part of the city. It is to decrease the moral of Libyans and make them surrender, but that won't happen.
The Sirte propaganda ended up being lies, they received heavy casualties then fled and waited for NATO to implement another round of terror operations.
That being said, wait a day or two, then they will be forced to report the truth.
At the small town of Ragdalin a similar trap was set, when civilians went and told NATO forces that the town had surrendered, once they entered the town, they were surrounded and received heavy casualties, many fled leaving their fellow Mercenaries behind to be killed or captured.
Rape was just one of many brutal tools used by NATO mercenaries to silence Libyans, and force them in to submission. Many brutal cases emerged, but no organization condemned such atrocities, nor promised to hold NATO responsible for the atrocities.
Cases after cases of brutal and merciless rapes in the hands of NATO mercenaries came forward, but the media completely silent.
Instead the media with International organizations fabricated stories about the Libyan Government using rape as a weapon of war, which was quickly sent to rubbish as a fabricated lie.
The media has finally decided to show a glimpse of NATO terrorism in Libya, this video shows some of the victims of NATO mercenaries, rape was definitely one of the tools of oppression used by NATO.
Sirte, Brega, Bani Walid, Ras Lanouf, Tarhuna, Sebha, Zwiyah and more than 85% of Libyan country are controlling Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds.
70% of Tripoli and 50 % Misruti are controling Libyan moujaheeds.Hard fight between Libyan tribes Warfala,Obeida,Libyan volunteers against Rats in Bengazi.
More than 50 killed Rats and 3000 wounded Rats in last hard fight.
Around Sirte were exterminated 1000 rats from Misruta.Non stop fight between Libyan moujaheeds and Rats on Green Square in Tripoli.
Green Flag over University Al Fatah was raised by Libya Liberal Youth.In Tripoli have arrived new 1000 Libyan moujaheeds.
In continious attack on Rats in Tripoli Libyan moujaheeds and Libyan volunteers killing every day cople of tens Rats.
Sebha is controlling Libyan Army and Tuareg moujaheeds.Hard trap for Rats in Sebha. 45 Rats killed and couple of hundreds captured and exterminated.
In Sebha Libyan army and Libyan Tuareg moujaheeds were made new counter attack on Rats.The result: 212 Rats killed 320 hard woundedm and again couple of hundred captured.
10,000 Tuaregs come to Libya. About 1000 are in Sebha. New Tuareg forces come from Nigeria, Algeria and Mali.
NATO bombed hospital in Sirte. Many childrens were killed including Doctors and Medical workers.
Please spread urgent this new informations not only on tube but more wider on net if you can. thanks !!!
We need that people of all nations read a truthful informations not lies from main streams.
Сообщение: The Sirte hospital was destroyed yesterday 22.9.2011 by Patriot missile. All patients were killed. Children, women, doctors and all medical workers.
Susan Lindauer. GOING ROGUE: NATO's War Crimes in Libya. Veterans Today, Tuesday, June 7th, 2011. — http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/06/07/going-rogue-natos-war-crimes-in-libya/
GOING ROGUE: NATO's War Crimes in Libya
Tuesday, June 7th, 2011 | Posted by former US Asset covering Libya at the United Nations
It's a story CNN won't report. Late at night there's a pounding on the door in Misurata. Armed soldiers force young Libyan women out of their beds at gun-point. Hustling the women and teenagers into trucks, the soldiers rush the women to gang bang parties for NATO rebels—or else rape them in front of their husbands or fathers. When NATO rebels finish their rape sport, the soldiers cut the women's throats.
Rapes are now ongoing acts of war in rebel-held cities, like an organized military strategy, according to refugees. Joanna Moriarty, who's part of a global fact-finding delegation visiting Tripoli this week, also reports that NATO rebels have gone house to house through Misurata, asking families if they support NATO. If the families say no, they are killed on the spot. If families say they want to stay out of the fighting, NATO rebels take a different approach to scare other families. The doors of "neutral homes" are welded shut, Moriarty says, trapping families inside. In Libyan homes, windows are typically barred. So when the doors to a family compound get welded shut, Libyans are entombed in their own houses, where NATO forces can be sure large families will slowly starve to death.
These are daily occurrences, not isolated events. And Gadhaffi's soldiers are not responsible. In fact, pro-Gadhaffi and "neutral" families are targeted as the victims of the attacks. Some of the NATO tactics may have occurred in hopes of laying blame on Gadhaffi's door. However the attacks are back firing.
Flashback to Serbia
The events are eerily reminiscent of Serbia's conflict in the Balkans with its notorious rape camps— Except today NATO itself is perpetrating these War Crimes—as if they have learned the worst terror tactics from their enemies.
Their actions would be categorized as War Crimes, just like Serb leader, Slobadon Milosevic—except that NATO won't allow itself to face prosecution. According to NATO, International Law is for the other guy.
NATO is wrong. So long as NATO governments provide the funding, assault rifles, military training, ground advisers, support vehicles and air power, they are fully responsible for the actions of their soldiers in the war zone. Libya's rebels are not a rag tag fighting force, either. Thanks to NATO's largesse, financed by U.S. and British taxpayers, they're fully decked out in military uniforms, parading through the streets with military vehicles for all the people to see.
And they do see. In Washington, Congress likes to pretend that America has not become involved in the day to day actualities of military planning. However refugees have observed U.S, British, French and Israeli soldiers standing by as rebel soldiers attack civilians.
"Rape parties" are the most graphic examples of NATO's loss of moral control. One weeping father told the fact-finding delegation how a couple of weeks ago NATO rebels targeted seven separate households, kidnapping a virgin daughter from each pro-Gadhaffi family. The rebels were paid for each kidnapped girl, just as they are paid for each Libyan soldier they kill— like mercenary soldiers. They hustled the girls into trucks, and took them to a building where the girls were locked in separate rooms.
NATO soldiers proceeded to drink alcohol, until they got very drunk. Then the leader told them to rape the virgin daughters in gang bang style. When they'd finished raping the girls, the NATO leader told them to cut the breasts off the living girls and bring the breasts to him. They did this while the girls were alive and screaming. All the girls died hideous deaths. Then their severed breasts were taken to a local square and arranged to spell the word "whore."
The grieving father spoke to a convention of workers, attended by the global fact-finding delegation. He was openly weeping, as all of us should. NATO's offenses in Libya are as terrible and unforgivable as Syria's castration and mutilation of the 13 year old boy that shocked the world. Yet so long as NATO's the guilty party, the western media has looked the other way in distaste.
Some of us are paying attention— We can see that NATO has gone rogue in Libya. And the Libyan people themselves consider it unforgivable. Last week, 2000 Tribal Leaders gathered in Tripoli to draft a Constitution for the country, as demanded by the British government. Notoriously, British warships and U.S. drones pounded the streets of Tripoli with bunker bombs and missiles for days and nights close to where the Tribal Leaders were meeting. From Tripoli, it felt awfully like the British were trying to stop the Libyan people from bringing this Constitution to life.
Tribal Leaders Condemn British Aggression
Here's what those 2,000 Tribal Leaders had to say about British aggression, in a statement approved unanimously on June 3. Sheikh Ali, head of the Tribal Leaders, delivered it to Joanna Moriarty and other members of the global fact finding mission:
"The Libyan people have the right to govern themselves. Constant attacks from the skies, at all hours of the day have completely disrupted the lives of the families of Libya. There has never been any fighting in Tripoli, yet we are bombed every day. We are civilians and we are being killed by the British and NATO. Civilians are people without guns, yet the British and NATO protect only the armed crusaders from the East by acting as their attack army. We have read the UN resolutions and there is no mention of bombing innocent civilians. There is no mention of assassinating the legitimate authorities in all of Libya."
"The Libyan People have the right to select their own leaders. We have suffered occupation by foreign countries for thousands of years. Only in the last 41 years have we Libyans enjoyed property ownership. Only in the last 41 years have we seen our country develop. Only in the last 41 years have we seen all of the Libyans enjoy a better life, and know that our children will have a better life then we have had. But now with the British and NATO bombings of our country, we see the destruction of our new and developed infrastructure."
"We leaders see the destruction of our culture. We leaders see tears in the eyes of our children because of the constant fear from the "rain of terror" in the skies of Libya from the British and NATO bombings. Our old people suffer from heart problems, increased diabetes and loss of vigor. Our young mothers are losing their babies every day because of the stress of the British and NATO bombings. These lost babies are the future of Libya. They can never be replaced. Our armies have been destroyed by the British and NATO bombings. We cannot defend ourselves from attacks from anyone."
"As Tribal Leaders of Libya, we must ask why have the British and NATO decided to wage this war against the Libyan people? There are a small percentage of dissidents in the east of Libya that started an armed insurrection against our legitimate authority. Every country has the right to defend itself against armed insurrection. So why cannot Libya defend itself?"
"The Tribal Leaders of Libya demand that all acts of aggression, by the British and NATO, against the Libyan People stop immediately. June 3, 2011″
Does that sound like NATO's got a winning strategy? If so, they should think again. Even if Gadhaffi falls, NATO has no hope of eliminating the entire tribal structure of the Libya, which embraces all families and clans. Instead NATO is losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the people with every missile that smashes into another building.
Tribal Backlash
The Libyan people are fighting back. This report arrived from Tripoli today. It is not edited, and describes a backlash in tribal warfare from the City of Darna in the East, where the rebellion is supposed to be strongest:
"People found the body of Martyr Hamdi Jumaa Al-Shalwi in Darna city eastern Libya. His head was cut off and then placed in front of the headquarters of the Internal Security Dernah. That was after being kidnapped from a checkpoint complex Herich. In response to this Al-Shalwi family erected a funeral tent to receive condolences in which the green flag [of Libya] was raised. After the funeral the whole city of Darna rose up with all its tribes which include:- the Abu Jazia family, Al-Shalwi family, The Quba families, Ain Marra families. After that, Al-Shalwi family and Bojazia tribe attacked the headquarters of the Transitional Council and shot all the rats (rebels) and green flags were raised. Furthermore, the son of Sofian Qamom was killed, also two members of Al- Qaeda got killed by residents of the city of Darna. The flag of the Libyan Jamahiriya was raised above Darna after the clashes."
CNN has reported none of this. The corporate media continues to lull Americans into false confidence in the progress of the Libyan War. Americans are way out of the loop as to the failures of the War effort. As a result, Libyans are losing trust in the potential for friendships with the West. An unlikely champion might restore that faith. Right now a team of international attorneys is preparing an emergency grievance on behalf of the Tribal Leaders and the Libyan people. The International Peace Community could contribute substantially to restoring Libya's faith in the West by supporting this human rights action. Indeed, the Libyan people and Tribal Leaders deserve our support. Together we must demand that NATO face prosecution for War Crimes, citing these examples and others.
NATO governments must be required to pay financial damages to Libyan families, on par with what the U.S. and Britain would demand for their own citizens under identical circumstances. The world cannot tolerate double standards, whereby powerful nations abuse helpless citizens. The International Geneva Conventions of War must be enforced, and equal force of the law must be applied.
The Fight for Misurata
Though attacks are widespread, some of the worst abuses are occurring in Misurata. The City has the only mega port in Libya, and handles transportation for the country, including the largest oil and gas depots. NATO will stop at nothing to take the City.
Refugees report that the Israeli Star of David flag was draped over the largest Mosque in Misurata on the second day of fighting, actions guaranteed to humiliate and antagonize the local population.
NATO forces have cut off food and medical supplies throughout Libya. But the seas are plentiful with fish in Mediterranean waters. Brave fishermen have taken their boats out of port, trying to harvest fish for the hungry population. To break their perseverance, American drones and British war planes steadily fire missiles on the fishing boats, deliberately targeting non-military vessels to chase them out of the waters.
Yet for all of its superior fire power and tactical advantages, NATO still appears to be losing. According to the fact-finding delegation, reporting today, many rebels have left Misurata and have taken boats back to Benghazi. The big central part of Misurata is now free and under central military control. The Libyan people shot down two helicopter gunships near the town of Zlitan. And although Al Jazeera played a grand story about a major uprising against Ghadafi in Tripoli, one of the Tribal leaders' wives lives on the street that claims to be the center of the demonstration, and declared that she saw no crowds out of her window. Buses pictured in Al Jazeera video do not run in Tripoli.
One has to ask: What kind of society does NATO think it's creating, if in fact Gadhaffi can be deposed—which looks very unlikely? Have Washington and London learned nothing from their failure in Iraq? The cruelty and debasement of NATO's forces is already fueling profound hatreds that will continue for the next generation.
Who could be proud of such "allies?" Not the Libyan people, surely.
NATO soldiers are no better than thugs. Anyone else would be labeled terrorists. Most worrisome, NATO's actions are guaranteed to have serious consequences for long term political stability in Libya. Vendettas are forming between tribes and family clans that will carry over for decades. It is extremely short-sighted and self destructive.
NATO should take this warning to heart: Its soldiers are not legal-proof. The International Peace Community is already taking action to uphold Libya's natural rights at the United Nations. Many of us in the International Peace Community shall defend Libya's women. And we shall demand War Crimes prosecution and major financial damages against NATO governments, on behalf of the people.
Nobody's fooled by NATO's story that Gadhaffi's the guilty party. We know that Washington, Britain, France, Italy— and Israel are the real culprits.
The murdered women of Misurata shall have justice. NATO can count on it.
This article can be reprinted in whole or part with attribution to the author
Susan Lindauer covered Libya at the United Nations as a U.S. Asset from 1995 to 2003, and started talks for the Lockerbie Trial. She is the author of Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq.
Confirmation comes regarding NATO Mercenaries who were trapped, gained heavy casualties in Sabha and fled. At least 45 killed and hundreds captured, the green flag still flying over Sabha according to new reports.
22/sept/11 Source from within Libya state that many NATO mercenaries have been captured by the Tarhuna Tribe, and the Tribe promised to continue fighting until every inch of the town is liberated, and all remnants of Mercenaries are kicked out.
Previously scenes of celebrations were reported in Tarhuna as thousands sang and cheered at the cover of the night, joyful faces emerged, waving green flag and chanting pro-Jamahariya slogans.
21/sept/11 Reports from the ground depict scenes of chaos outside the town of Bani Walid, witnesses claim that NATO militiamen and Mercenaries are once again fighting each other, many fighters have been shot, and one fighter's head have been blown off by an RPG.
This comes as fighting intensifies in the Capital, scenes of heavy fighting and explosions have been reported, also reports that Libyans have raised the Green flag over the Green Mountains in the east. Scenes of celebrations were posted in Tarhuna as reports suggests that the town have been liberated by its own people.
Once again NATO Mercenaries have been forced to flee Sirte after receiving heavy casualties, now waiting for NATO to terrorize the city once again.
NATO Militias and Mercenaries claim that only 45 people have been killed and that over 400 injured, hospitals are filled, NATO Special Ops who are injured are sent abroad for treatment.
Other reports suggests that over a hundred NATO Mercenaries and Militiamen have been killed and unknown numbers injured.
21/sept/11 The footage which CNN is showing is old, from when they just entered Sabha, no resistance at all, because it was a trap. When they advanced inwards they received heavy casualties and were forced to flee according to reports and sources within Libya.
Right now they are playing a propaganda war like they played in Sirte, they already retreated from Sirte but NATO media continually said they controlled part of the city. It is to decrease the moral of Libyans and make them surrender, but that won't happen.
The Sirte propaganda ended up being lies, they received heavy casualties then fled and waited for NATO to implement another round of terror operations.
That being said, wait a day or two, then they will be forced to report the truth.
At the small town of Ragdalin a similar trap was set, when civilians went and told NATO forces that the town had surrendered, once they entered the town, they were surrounded and received heavy casualties, many fled leaving their fellow Mercenaries behind to be killed or captured.
Rape was just one of many brutal tools used by NATO mercenaries to silence Libyans, and force them in to submission. Many brutal cases emerged, but no organization condemned such atrocities, nor promised to hold NATO responsible for the atrocities.
Cases after cases of brutal and merciless rapes in the hands of NATO mercenaries came forward, but the media completely silent.
Instead the media with International organizations fabricated stories about the Libyan Government using rape as a weapon of war, which was quickly sent to rubbish as a fabricated lie.
The media has finally decided to show a glimpse of NATO terrorism in Libya, this video shows some of the victims of NATO mercenaries, rape was definitely one of the tools of oppression used by NATO.
Sirte, Brega, Bani Walid, Ras Lanouf, Tarhuna, Sebha, Zwiyah and more than 85% of Libyan country are controlling Libyan army and Libyan moujaheeds.
70% of Tripoli and 50 % Misruti are controling Libyan moujaheeds.Hard fight between Libyan tribes Warfala,Obeida,Libyan volunteers against Rats in Bengazi.
More than 50 killed Rats and 3000 wounded Rats in last hard fight.
Around Sirte were exterminated 1000 rats from Misruta.Non stop fight between Libyan moujaheeds and Rats on Green Square in Tripoli.
Green Flag over University Al Fatah was raised by Libya Liberal Youth.In Tripoli have arrived new 1000 Libyan moujaheeds.
In continious attack on Rats in Tripoli Libyan moujaheeds and Libyan volunteers killing every day cople of tens Rats.
Sebha is controlling Libyan Army and Tuareg moujaheeds.Hard trap for Rats in Sebha. 45 Rats killed and couple of hundreds captured and exterminated.
In Sebha Libyan army and Libyan Tuareg moujaheeds were made new counter attack on Rats.The result: 212 Rats killed 320 hard woundedm and again couple of hundred captured.
10,000 Tuaregs come to Libya. About 1000 are in Sebha. New Tuareg forces come from Nigeria, Algeria and Mali.
NATO bombed hospital in Sirte. Many childrens were killed including Doctors and Medical workers.
Please spread urgent this new informations not only on tube but more wider on net if you can. thanks !!!
We need that people of all nations read a truthful informations not lies from main streams.
Сообщение: The Sirte hospital was destroyed yesterday 22.9.2011 by Patriot missile. All patients were killed. Children, women, doctors and all medical workers.
Freitag, 23. September 2011
Analisis: Resistance to the invaders in Libya continues
First: "NATO air strikes cannot last forever," the season of sandstorms, which will continue until March begins in late October in Libya ... will not be possible to use the aircraftIt effectively at this time ...
Second, frozen Libyan money (from 130 to 170 billion dollars according to different estimates) in Western banks are over, and the countries of NATO will realize their operations in Libya, for their own money, rather the money of local taxpayers in the USA, France, Britain, Germany, Italy ...
Third: The West has to pay the mercenaries and "peaceful demonstrators" also at its own expense ...
If payment is not received during the "peaceful protesters" they can easily turn their weapons to the West, as has already repeatedly been in Afghanistan ...
Fourth, the unity between the Islamists and members of "the pocket of diarrhea"
in Russian TNC sounds llike this - it may not occur in the foreseeable future, there are no fundamental contradictions between the disposable "associates" yet...
Fifth, there are major contradictions in the camp and the participants of the coalition of NATO on the proportion of each country in their part of Libya oil; and they also cannot find an agreement on contracts of rebuilding the infrastructure of Libya ...
Sixth: There will be held the elections of the Presidents of the United States and France in 2012. And now ratings of Obama and Sarkozy reached the minimum (fall through the floor) and another member of coalition Merkel (Germany) has already lost her elections .. .
Seventh, at the present time the number of militia under the leadership of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is steadily increasing and at the beginning of the season of sandstorms, the supporters of al-Gaddafi will seize the initiative at the badly battered "insurgents" and move to the decisive offensive action ...
Eighth: the side of Gaddafi's government is taken over Algeria, the authorities of Algeria are apprehension of a repetition of Libyan script at their country. Algeria helps Gaddafi, Algerian volunteers fight on the side of al-Gaddafi, and staff trims the Libyan border of the Algerian city of Islamist garbage ... Help from the African Union and such counties as Niger, South Africa, Angola, Mali comes to Gaddafi ... Practically the whole Africa sympathizes and supports al-Gaddafi, and it is not limited to recruiting volunteers ...
Ninth: There isT a real guerrilla war in ripoli and other controlled by "the pocket of diarrhea"
cities of Libya. They were several NATO helicopters brought down, every day dozens of "the pocket of diarrhea"- members are
destroyed by a sniper and other weapons and the coalition forces has nothing to
countere the tactics of Gaddafi; the coalition forces have no strength or capacity ...
Tenth: In connection with the storm of Sirte and Bani Walid ... "Diarrhea" and Islamists have reduced their troops in other cities under their control; it leads to increase the activity of groups and cells and supporters of al-Gaddafi, which will eventually lead to the loss of control by the "the pocket of diarrhea"
in these cities. This has already happened in Tripoli, Benghazi and Misurata ...
Eleventh: On the 27th ofSeptember the Resolution № 1973 of the no-fly zone ends , China and Russia were against the continuation of this resolution and are likely to reject to prolong it the UN Security Council ... and even if they do? then read the item first season of sandstorms ...
Twelfth: Gaddafi is willing to continue the resistance and he has his abiity to ...
a) He was clearly not impressed with the fate of Milosevic ...
b) He does not believe the West ...
c) He did not build socialism in Libya for 42 yerars for this...
d) He will not forgive the death of grandchildren, the sons and the destruction of his country ...
e) The Berbers, Bedouins are the valiant warrior sof the desert , and Gaddafi will fight to the end ...
e) The battle-worthy army personnel, which is constantly updated with volunteer militias remains ...
All that was said proves that Gaddafi will win this war, the occupiers will be either driven from the territory of Libya, or destroyed, and it is not bravado that is a fact!
Translation from Russian:Dip394
Second, frozen Libyan money (from 130 to 170 billion dollars according to different estimates) in Western banks are over, and the countries of NATO will realize their operations in Libya, for their own money, rather the money of local taxpayers in the USA, France, Britain, Germany, Italy ...
Third: The West has to pay the mercenaries and "peaceful demonstrators" also at its own expense ...
If payment is not received during the "peaceful protesters" they can easily turn their weapons to the West, as has already repeatedly been in Afghanistan ...
Fourth, the unity between the Islamists and members of "the pocket of diarrhea"
in Russian TNC sounds llike this - it may not occur in the foreseeable future, there are no fundamental contradictions between the disposable "associates" yet...
Fifth, there are major contradictions in the camp and the participants of the coalition of NATO on the proportion of each country in their part of Libya oil; and they also cannot find an agreement on contracts of rebuilding the infrastructure of Libya ...
Sixth: There will be held the elections of the Presidents of the United States and France in 2012. And now ratings of Obama and Sarkozy reached the minimum (fall through the floor) and another member of coalition Merkel (Germany) has already lost her elections .. .
Seventh, at the present time the number of militia under the leadership of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is steadily increasing and at the beginning of the season of sandstorms, the supporters of al-Gaddafi will seize the initiative at the badly battered "insurgents" and move to the decisive offensive action ...
Eighth: the side of Gaddafi's government is taken over Algeria, the authorities of Algeria are apprehension of a repetition of Libyan script at their country. Algeria helps Gaddafi, Algerian volunteers fight on the side of al-Gaddafi, and staff trims the Libyan border of the Algerian city of Islamist garbage ... Help from the African Union and such counties as Niger, South Africa, Angola, Mali comes to Gaddafi ... Practically the whole Africa sympathizes and supports al-Gaddafi, and it is not limited to recruiting volunteers ...
Ninth: There isT a real guerrilla war in ripoli and other controlled by "the pocket of diarrhea"
cities of Libya. They were several NATO helicopters brought down, every day dozens of "the pocket of diarrhea"- members are
destroyed by a sniper and other weapons and the coalition forces has nothing to
countere the tactics of Gaddafi; the coalition forces have no strength or capacity ...
Tenth: In connection with the storm of Sirte and Bani Walid ... "Diarrhea" and Islamists have reduced their troops in other cities under their control; it leads to increase the activity of groups and cells and supporters of al-Gaddafi, which will eventually lead to the loss of control by the "the pocket of diarrhea"
in these cities. This has already happened in Tripoli, Benghazi and Misurata ...
Eleventh: On the 27th ofSeptember the Resolution № 1973 of the no-fly zone ends , China and Russia were against the continuation of this resolution and are likely to reject to prolong it the UN Security Council ... and even if they do? then read the item first season of sandstorms ...
Twelfth: Gaddafi is willing to continue the resistance and he has his abiity to ...
a) He was clearly not impressed with the fate of Milosevic ...
b) He does not believe the West ...
c) He did not build socialism in Libya for 42 yerars for this...
d) He will not forgive the death of grandchildren, the sons and the destruction of his country ...
e) The Berbers, Bedouins are the valiant warrior sof the desert , and Gaddafi will fight to the end ...
e) The battle-worthy army personnel, which is constantly updated with volunteer militias remains ...
All that was said proves that Gaddafi will win this war, the occupiers will be either driven from the territory of Libya, or destroyed, and it is not bravado that is a fact!
Translation from Russian:Dip394
Libya S.O.S.: The NTC are declared as a racists, who under NATO’...
Libya S.O.S.: The NTC are declared as a racists, who under NATO’...: ‘In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends’ – Dr. Martin Luther King This war, under the ban...
Libyan African Victory Over NATO
von Youtube-Kanal Adrenalinkz:
Libyan African Victory Over NATO
After more than six months of non-stop bombing, NATO continues to fail in all its objectives, and in the end is poised to use nuclear weapons not only on Libya but on other
states in the region including Sudan, as the conflict will spread while NATO continues its attempts to grab Africa's resources. or this reason, it is imperative that
humanity get involved and engaged in as many initiatives as possible. Here are a few:
Educate and register, join a people's conference, build people's power: www.peoplesconference.org
Study the Third Universal Theory and why Qaddafi is under attack: www.greencharter.com
Support efforts for Peace, help obtain one million supporters: www.globalpeacenow.com
Network on independent social media and help out: www.mathaba.info
Stay tuned and informed in as many ways as you can: www.mathaba.net/support
Contribute financially via donation of subscription: www.mathaba.net/donate.htm
Following commentary by Dennis South sums up the current situation:
There is a verse of Qur'an: "Man plans and God plans. But God is the BEST of planners."
Over the past 2 weeks, NATO and the rats have suffered 16 major losses:
1. The Libyan Defense Forces re-captured Brega. That's the oil port where they ship out oil. It's what NATO wanted to capture, and hold, more than anything. They have
NEVER been able to hold Brega, and it is now in the hands of Gaddafi.
2. The Libyan Defense Forces re-captured Ras Lanouf, an important oil refinery. My understanding is that, due to this Jamahiriya success, oil exports from Libya have
dropped from 200,000 barrels a day to 20,000, if I read correctly.
3. Their attacks on Bani Walid were rebuffed severely by the Libyan Defence Forces. The "rebels" lost 1,000 soldiers. And the defence was so strong that the rats refused
their commanders' orders to return to the fight. When asked if they were fatigued, they told their commanders, "No. We just do not wish to spill Libyan blood anymore. So,
this is a turn of events that might get stronger. We'll have to wait and see.
4. Same is the case with their attack on Sirte
5. Ditto for Sebha
6. Gaddafi now has at least 10,000 Tuaregs at his disposal (and maybe more), and some of them have crossed into Libya to help him fight. I believe they are now part of his
security squad. But the other thing that happened, and that was reported even by the mainstream press, is that Saadi Gaddafi, who the press had attempted to give the
impression that he had left the fight by going to Niger, has re-entered the fight. And he has the support of those 10,000 Tuaregs. I do not know if he brought all of them,
but my understanding is that thousands of them are now IN LIBYA. The Tuareg council had a meeting of 3 or 4 different representatives of the Tuareg tribes of the Sahara.
And they issued a WARNING to Niger: If you interfere with Gaddafi, we will overthrow your government. The Tuareg's are KNOWN, by military experts, to be the world's top
desert fighters--barring none.
7. Other Saharan tribes and sub-tribes are rallying behind Gaddafi. These are non-Libyans and fiercely loyal to Gaddafi.
8. There's a gradual trickle of Arab fighters, from other countries, coming to Libya to fight alongside Gaddafi. That is a big surprise, quite frankly (though it shouldn't
be). If this trend continues, it could be quite interesting, and quite positive for the Jamahiriya.
9. Although most all of Tripoli is in the hands of the "rebels," LDF sniper-marksmen are popping off "rebels" left and right, using silencers. Also, Tripoli hospitals are
FILLING UP with European mercenaries who are being shot by fighters of the resistance. It's guerilla warfare.
10. There is mass chaos in Benghazi, the HQ of the "rebels." Residents are flying the green flag, in defiance of the "rebels." Al-Qaeda, which from the outset has been a
major NATO-supported component of the rats wants Mustafa Abdul Jalil, head of the "rebels," dead, and they actually announced that. The "rebels" themselves are fighting
against each other, even on the battlefield.
11. The Egyptian army has not been able to stop Arab tribes from cross the Egyptian border and going into Libya to help Gaddafi.
12. The "rebels" have no chain of command, and this week they fought each other about that.
13. Some of the rebels are simply leaving the battlefield, after having attained the loot that they want--a phenomenon that Dr. Webster Tarpley predicted would happen.
14. DEBKAfile, a top Israeli military/intelligence news organ, wrote a very, very strong and interesting article in which they said, in effect, that now that Gaddafi is out
in the desert, he has MORE power than when he was in Tripoli. There is now time to regroup and to plan.
15. Khamis al-Gaddafi is fighting SO well and so brilliantly, that Russian military experts that are watching the war closely stated, yesterday I think it was, that Khamis
has EARNED, on the battlefield, the rank of GENERAL. That is huge. Not because of the rank title, but because this means that NATO, in Khamis alone, is in DEEP SHIT.
16. Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the head rat, was forced to admit, right in front of his French masters, that Gaddafi and the Jamahiriya HAS ALL OF LIBYA'S GOLD. That's right.
Libya's gold is in the hands of the Jamahiriya, and it's a LOT of gold that will allow the Jamahiriya to fight for a long time to buy anything it needs. Libya is amongst
the top 25 countries in terms of gold reserves, as I understand it.
My hope is that NATO has opened up a huge can of worms that will sweep across all of North Africa. The Saharan tribes have a deep reverence and respect for Gaddafi. They
are not controlled by any of the governments in the region and have always lived their own life of independence and taken nothing from the various governments in parts of:
Algeria, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, Libya.
DEBKAfile pointed out that Gaddafi now has free reign to roam over 5 or 7 African countries, in the desert, and that it is "impossible" [that's the word that was used by
DEBKAfile] for NATO to cover that distance, which is about 682,000 square miles, if my memory serves me correctly--maybe more.
The whole world is waking up to what the Libyan slogan means: "All power, all wealth and all arms in the hands of the people."
The Tuaregs made an announcement that was also a WARNING to the rebels. They said something like, "Only those people can cross our deserts WHO WE LIKE." And they don't
like the rebels. The rebels slaughtered a group of Tuaregs in Libya and are carrying out ethnic cleansing (genocide) against Blacks in the limited areas they now control in
About Algeria: Algeria is helping Gaddafi. I refuse to believe that they're not. It's clear to me that they are. They have to, because Algeria shares a long border with
Libya, and the AQIM (Al-Qaeda in the Maghrib) is causing problems. Algeria is handling them very well. But they are 4,000 strong, and Western and Russian intelligence says
that they have more weapons than anybody in the area.
Algeria will not be able to play the games that other Arab countries play. That's my belief. Also, it is known that some Algerians have stormed some city and fought and
removed some Al-Qaeda people.
Another factor is TIME. My hope--and it's only a hope--is that even the Arabs are going to learn just who Gaddafi is. Time is allowing millions of people [quite literally]
to learn more about Gaddafi. Those who, before, hated him, are now LOVING him. Everybody likes the underdog that FIGHTS BACK. Believe it or not, even some of the STUPID
right-wingers in the U.S. are falling in love with Gaddafi!! Seven months ago, you'd read comments at Yahoo News, at the end of
articles, that went like this:
"Gaddafi's a prick!"
"I hope they find that sand nigger soon, and kill 'em!"
"We need to nuke Gaddafi and ALL them A-rabs!!"
My wife has been watching the PROGRESSION in comments, over the months (since I refuse to watch any main stream media, she does that for me). And those comments have
changed. Now you read,
"I don't like A-rabs!! But I LIKE Gaddafi!!! Because he FIGHTS BACK!"
"Oh, so we're supposed to be HAPPY because a bully is fighting Libya!"
"Wow, if that man is a dictator, then give us one like that over here!"
And comments like that.
The young people around the world are making videos such as this one go viral: www.bit.ly/libyamusic
I must mention that a WHOLE LOT of credit has to go to Dr. Webster Tarpley, believe it or not, for teaching the Middle East and Muslim public about the situation; about the
U.S. goals, etc. Tarpley is often interviewed on stations including Press TV, an Iranian TV news station which is otherwise anti-Libyan.
And Mathaba.Net News is second to none in its persistent coverage, education, and sheer resilience in ensuring that truth news can reach us at www.mathaba.net/news/libya and
in the Gold Subscribers area www.mathaba.net/members/gold
Libyan African Victory Over NATO
After more than six months of non-stop bombing, NATO continues to fail in all its objectives, and in the end is poised to use nuclear weapons not only on Libya but on other
states in the region including Sudan, as the conflict will spread while NATO continues its attempts to grab Africa's resources. or this reason, it is imperative that
humanity get involved and engaged in as many initiatives as possible. Here are a few:
Educate and register, join a people's conference, build people's power: www.peoplesconference.org
Study the Third Universal Theory and why Qaddafi is under attack: www.greencharter.com
Support efforts for Peace, help obtain one million supporters: www.globalpeacenow.com
Network on independent social media and help out: www.mathaba.info
Stay tuned and informed in as many ways as you can: www.mathaba.net/support
Contribute financially via donation of subscription: www.mathaba.net/donate.htm
Following commentary by Dennis South sums up the current situation:
There is a verse of Qur'an: "Man plans and God plans. But God is the BEST of planners."
Over the past 2 weeks, NATO and the rats have suffered 16 major losses:
1. The Libyan Defense Forces re-captured Brega. That's the oil port where they ship out oil. It's what NATO wanted to capture, and hold, more than anything. They have
NEVER been able to hold Brega, and it is now in the hands of Gaddafi.
2. The Libyan Defense Forces re-captured Ras Lanouf, an important oil refinery. My understanding is that, due to this Jamahiriya success, oil exports from Libya have
dropped from 200,000 barrels a day to 20,000, if I read correctly.
3. Their attacks on Bani Walid were rebuffed severely by the Libyan Defence Forces. The "rebels" lost 1,000 soldiers. And the defence was so strong that the rats refused
their commanders' orders to return to the fight. When asked if they were fatigued, they told their commanders, "No. We just do not wish to spill Libyan blood anymore. So,
this is a turn of events that might get stronger. We'll have to wait and see.
4. Same is the case with their attack on Sirte
5. Ditto for Sebha
6. Gaddafi now has at least 10,000 Tuaregs at his disposal (and maybe more), and some of them have crossed into Libya to help him fight. I believe they are now part of his
security squad. But the other thing that happened, and that was reported even by the mainstream press, is that Saadi Gaddafi, who the press had attempted to give the
impression that he had left the fight by going to Niger, has re-entered the fight. And he has the support of those 10,000 Tuaregs. I do not know if he brought all of them,
but my understanding is that thousands of them are now IN LIBYA. The Tuareg council had a meeting of 3 or 4 different representatives of the Tuareg tribes of the Sahara.
And they issued a WARNING to Niger: If you interfere with Gaddafi, we will overthrow your government. The Tuareg's are KNOWN, by military experts, to be the world's top
desert fighters--barring none.
7. Other Saharan tribes and sub-tribes are rallying behind Gaddafi. These are non-Libyans and fiercely loyal to Gaddafi.
8. There's a gradual trickle of Arab fighters, from other countries, coming to Libya to fight alongside Gaddafi. That is a big surprise, quite frankly (though it shouldn't
be). If this trend continues, it could be quite interesting, and quite positive for the Jamahiriya.
9. Although most all of Tripoli is in the hands of the "rebels," LDF sniper-marksmen are popping off "rebels" left and right, using silencers. Also, Tripoli hospitals are
FILLING UP with European mercenaries who are being shot by fighters of the resistance. It's guerilla warfare.
10. There is mass chaos in Benghazi, the HQ of the "rebels." Residents are flying the green flag, in defiance of the "rebels." Al-Qaeda, which from the outset has been a
major NATO-supported component of the rats wants Mustafa Abdul Jalil, head of the "rebels," dead, and they actually announced that. The "rebels" themselves are fighting
against each other, even on the battlefield.
11. The Egyptian army has not been able to stop Arab tribes from cross the Egyptian border and going into Libya to help Gaddafi.
12. The "rebels" have no chain of command, and this week they fought each other about that.
13. Some of the rebels are simply leaving the battlefield, after having attained the loot that they want--a phenomenon that Dr. Webster Tarpley predicted would happen.
14. DEBKAfile, a top Israeli military/intelligence news organ, wrote a very, very strong and interesting article in which they said, in effect, that now that Gaddafi is out
in the desert, he has MORE power than when he was in Tripoli. There is now time to regroup and to plan.
15. Khamis al-Gaddafi is fighting SO well and so brilliantly, that Russian military experts that are watching the war closely stated, yesterday I think it was, that Khamis
has EARNED, on the battlefield, the rank of GENERAL. That is huge. Not because of the rank title, but because this means that NATO, in Khamis alone, is in DEEP SHIT.
16. Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the head rat, was forced to admit, right in front of his French masters, that Gaddafi and the Jamahiriya HAS ALL OF LIBYA'S GOLD. That's right.
Libya's gold is in the hands of the Jamahiriya, and it's a LOT of gold that will allow the Jamahiriya to fight for a long time to buy anything it needs. Libya is amongst
the top 25 countries in terms of gold reserves, as I understand it.
My hope is that NATO has opened up a huge can of worms that will sweep across all of North Africa. The Saharan tribes have a deep reverence and respect for Gaddafi. They
are not controlled by any of the governments in the region and have always lived their own life of independence and taken nothing from the various governments in parts of:
Algeria, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, Libya.
DEBKAfile pointed out that Gaddafi now has free reign to roam over 5 or 7 African countries, in the desert, and that it is "impossible" [that's the word that was used by
DEBKAfile] for NATO to cover that distance, which is about 682,000 square miles, if my memory serves me correctly--maybe more.
The whole world is waking up to what the Libyan slogan means: "All power, all wealth and all arms in the hands of the people."
The Tuaregs made an announcement that was also a WARNING to the rebels. They said something like, "Only those people can cross our deserts WHO WE LIKE." And they don't
like the rebels. The rebels slaughtered a group of Tuaregs in Libya and are carrying out ethnic cleansing (genocide) against Blacks in the limited areas they now control in
About Algeria: Algeria is helping Gaddafi. I refuse to believe that they're not. It's clear to me that they are. They have to, because Algeria shares a long border with
Libya, and the AQIM (Al-Qaeda in the Maghrib) is causing problems. Algeria is handling them very well. But they are 4,000 strong, and Western and Russian intelligence says
that they have more weapons than anybody in the area.
Algeria will not be able to play the games that other Arab countries play. That's my belief. Also, it is known that some Algerians have stormed some city and fought and
removed some Al-Qaeda people.
Another factor is TIME. My hope--and it's only a hope--is that even the Arabs are going to learn just who Gaddafi is. Time is allowing millions of people [quite literally]
to learn more about Gaddafi. Those who, before, hated him, are now LOVING him. Everybody likes the underdog that FIGHTS BACK. Believe it or not, even some of the STUPID
right-wingers in the U.S. are falling in love with Gaddafi!! Seven months ago, you'd read comments at Yahoo News, at the end of
articles, that went like this:
"Gaddafi's a prick!"
"I hope they find that sand nigger soon, and kill 'em!"
"We need to nuke Gaddafi and ALL them A-rabs!!"
My wife has been watching the PROGRESSION in comments, over the months (since I refuse to watch any main stream media, she does that for me). And those comments have
changed. Now you read,
"I don't like A-rabs!! But I LIKE Gaddafi!!! Because he FIGHTS BACK!"
"Oh, so we're supposed to be HAPPY because a bully is fighting Libya!"
"Wow, if that man is a dictator, then give us one like that over here!"
And comments like that.
The young people around the world are making videos such as this one go viral: www.bit.ly/libyamusic
I must mention that a WHOLE LOT of credit has to go to Dr. Webster Tarpley, believe it or not, for teaching the Middle East and Muslim public about the situation; about the
U.S. goals, etc. Tarpley is often interviewed on stations including Press TV, an Iranian TV news station which is otherwise anti-Libyan.
And Mathaba.Net News is second to none in its persistent coverage, education, and sheer resilience in ensuring that truth news can reach us at www.mathaba.net/news/libya and
in the Gold Subscribers area www.mathaba.net/members/gold
Donnerstag, 22. September 2011
Hinter der Fichte: Libyen: Westmedien wieder verdammt einsilbig
Hinter der Fichte: Libyen: Westmedien wieder verdammt einsilbig: Die Westmedien sind wieder verdammt einsilbig geworden. Wir kennen das schon als eindeutiges Zeichen, dass es nicht gut läuft für den Aggre...
Mittwoch, 21. September 2011
Dienstag, 20. September 2011
Hinter der Fichte: Libyen: Westmedien wieder verdammt einsilbig
Hinter der Fichte: Libyen: Westmedien wieder verdammt einsilbig: Die Westmedien sind wieder verdammt einsilbig geworden. Wir kennen das schon als eindeutiges Zeichen, dass es nicht gut läuft für den Aggre...
Hinter der Fichte: Libyen/Deutschland: Werdet aktiv! Empört Euch!
Hinter der Fichte: Libyen/Deutschland: Werdet aktiv! Empört Euch!: Unsere Aufgabe bei "Hinter der Fichte" ist, die Lügen der Massenmedien der herrschenden Klasse zu entlarven. Sie paralysieren die Massen und...
Montag, 19. September 2011
Sonntag, 18. September 2011
Samstag, 17. September 2011
طائرات الهوليكوبتر الفرنسية تحلق في سماء طرابلس
طائرات الهوليكوبتر الفرنسية تحلق في سماء طرابلس المغتصبة تحت أصوات التكبير من قبل ثوار الناتو أتناء زيارة الصهاينة ::: ساركوزي وكاميرون وبرنارد ليفني لمدينة طرابلس الأسيرة يوم 15-09-2011
هذه هي الطائرات التي قتلت أطفالنا ونساءنا ودمرت مساجدناة وبيوتنا يستقبلها توار الناتو ومرتزقته بالتكبير والتهليل بينما يقتلون أي رجل مقاوم حر شريف يدافع عن دينه تم أرضه وعرضه
هذه هي الطائرات التي قتلت أطفالنا ونساءنا ودمرت مساجدناة وبيوتنا يستقبلها توار الناتو ومرتزقته بالتكبير والتهليل بينما يقتلون أي رجل مقاوم حر شريف يدافع عن دينه تم أرضه وعرضه
Freitag, 16. September 2011
French Leader Rushes To China, Blames US For Libyan Child Sex Slaves
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Chinese that the Americans were responsible for removing from Libya an estimated 1,500 young girls and boys purported to be utilized as ‘sex slaves.’
Though China had evacuated nearly 36,000 of its citizens from Libya after the American-led NATO “Oil War” began, an estimated 800 Chinese families were reported still in the country. Upon the NATO-led rebel forces entering Tripoli , this report says, wholesale executions, rapes, kidnappings and looting began headed by US and British military strike teams intent on capturing as many children as possible.
The “shock and awe” terror unleashed on the people of Libya , this report continues, was modeled after the US-led war on Iraq where that country was, likewise, plunged into frightful chaos and upheaval.
Though many International reporters have attempted to alert the Western peoples to the atrocities being committed by NATO-led rebels they have nearly all been silenced by orders issued by President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron. In fact, if not for theforceful intervention by the International Red Cross many of these reporters would have been captured and executed this past week by these NATO-led rebels for exposing their war crimes against humanity.
This report goes on to state that US and British strike teams began to round up Libyan girls and boys (some as young as 5-years-old) after discovering rebels raping hundreds of them after they “liberated” Misurata from Gaddafi forces. [Note: On this LINK is another link to a shocking video of one of these NATO-backed Libyan rebel-led child rapes which the Sisters have ordered not to be linked on this site.]
Russian Foreign Ministry sources in this report further state that Sarkozy told Hu that upon the Americans learning about these child rapes by their own rebel forces they began abducting them first and after “medicating and crating” them put them onto US Air Force transport planes headed towards either America or Great Britain.
Sarkozy’s greatest concern, this report says, arose after both US and British authorities refused to tell France where these children were going or what was going to happen to them leading many to worry that they would end up as ‘sex slaves’ to the Western elite classes, nearly all of whom are reported to be pedophiles.
Important to note is that in America, where their morally corrupt elite class has legitimized homosexuality and other forms of human degradation, this past fortnight they began the legal process to legalize sex with children, and as we can read, in part, as reported by the Daily Caller News Service:
The fears that these Libyan children will be turned into sex slaves appears to be justified by many independent American researchers and authors who provide compelling evidence substantiating their claims the CIA has been behind this monstrous scheme for decades.
According to one of these researchers named Brice Taylor: “… Henry Kissinger is the CEO for the Illuminati who naturally prefer to remain in the shadows. Our political leaders are chosen by their moral frailties, blackmail-ability, and willingness to advance the Illuminati plan. Strings are pulled and they mysteriously rise to prominence. It doesn't matter which party they belong to. They secretly serve the “Cause.”
As the American-led NATO nations are now set to “reap the spoils” of their unprovoked attack upon oil-rich Libya, with Italy and France now openly arguing over who should get the greater riches, and Germany, also, clamoring for its share, it goes without saying that these “sex slave” children will be lost forever to serve the insane gratification of what is in essence our World’s new elite ruling class.
Unbeknownst to the greater masses of these Western peoples, however, is that Russia, China, India, Brazil (to just name a few) and over 1 Billion Muslims in this World are preparing to ensure that these monsters nearly two-century rule over our World comes to a screeching halt.
And it goes without saying, of course, that in destroying these monsters our entire World itself may be the ultimate and final victim.
August 29, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faalstrongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
Libya: il massacro, la copertura. Che sta succedendo?
di Mirovan Drecun Pravda 10.08.2011
traduzione di Levred
I principali media occidentali sono curiosamente in silenzio sulla Libia. Perché potrebbero esserlo? Riveliamo alcuni fatti sconvolgenti che vi raccontano dove il denaro della NATO viene speso. Mentre i programmi comunitari sono tagliati in Europa, hanno saputo i nostri lettori che vengono sprecati, per ogni aereo impegnato, fino a 100.000 dollari americani all'ora per massacrare bambini in Libia?
Vi dirò perché i media occidentali "comprati" stanno tranquilli sulla Libia. Tutto tace sulla Libia perché la NATO sta compiendo sempre più massacri di civili e i terroristi (per lo più stranieri) cari alla NATO stanno perdendo contro le forze del Colonnello Gheddafi a terra. Verso le 21,00 del 9 agosto aerei della NATO hanno compiuto un massacro di civili nel villaggio di Majer, nei pressi di Zliten - 85 persone hanno perso la vita, tra cui 33 bambini, 32 donne e 20 uomini.
La comunità internazionale guarda, i media internazionali restano in un cupo silenzio. E la verità su quanto sta accadendo in Libia sta scioccando al cuore la NATO. Proprio per questo motivo nelle ultime settimane, dalla brillante vittoria libica nella battaglia di Al-Brega contro i terroristi della NATO (si è affermato che circa 100.000 stranieri fanatici barbuti islamisti abbiano attraversato il confine dall'Egitto, poco prima che scoppiasse il caos), una battaglia nella quale una cortina fumogena ha offuscato i cieli in modo che i jets della NATO non potessero (illegalmente) intervenire in un conflitto interno per proteggere i terroristi contro le truppe del governo libico, la NATO sta immettendo sempre più mercenari nella lotta.
E 'anche per questo che la NATO sta bombardando strutture civili, come il sistema libico di fornitura di acqua, prende di mira la rete elettrica, per "piegare i civili" e distruggere la fabbrica di tubi dell'acqua, perché stanno guardando in faccia la sconfitta, nonostante Cameron e Sarkozy e la loro nauseante cricca di vigliacchi che hanno speso centinaia di milioni di dollari dei loro contribuenti in questa campagna illegale di assassinio, distruzione gratuita e danni criminali.
Cameron ha anche l'audacia di parlare contro i "criminali" nel suo paese, quando le sue forze stanno commettendo massacri di civili, distruzione di proprietà pubbliche e private e macellazione di bambini in Libia.
E perché proprio la NATO sta diventando così isterica? Mentre a casa la gente comincia a chiedersi perché i loro centri sociali sono stati chiusi, perché quell'ala ospedale non sarà aperta, perché i tagli di spesa fino al 85% nei programmi di istruzione e formazione hanno lasciato decine di migliaia di giovani senza futuro, mentre la NATO spende milioni e milioni ogni giorno, le cose stanno andando disastrosamente male sul terreno.
Sempre più spesso, sempre più mercenari stranieri vengono catturati e sempre più, diventa evidente che un gran numero dei terroristi sguinzagliati dalla NATO non sono nemmeno libici. E così disperata sta diventando, a quanto pare, che gli USA stanno segretamente tenendo colloqui con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri libico (secondo una ufficiosa dichiarazione di un portavoce del ministero in una posizione molto alta), per cui a Tripoli è stato detto che se si rinegoziano i contratti del valore di 45 miliardi di dollari che attualmente sono stipulati con la Federazione Russa e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, allora Washington agirà di conseguenza.
Solidarietà meravigliosa dal paese la cui Casa Bianca ha dichiarato in una lettera che è bene coinvolgere la NATO in quanto consentirà di risparmiare i soldi dei contribuenti americani e salverà la vita dei ragazzi statunitensi. Sì, hanno detto proprio così. Intendiamoci, se i piloti francesi conoscessero ciò che i loro colleghi britannici hanno detto su di loro, hahahahaha.
Le autorità britanniche stanno anche, a quanto pare, freneticamente cercando di salvare l'enorme numero di contratti firmati nel settore delle costruzioni, ora vedono la sconfitta fissando in faccia essi e i loro amici terroristi.
Secondo un documentario dall'analista serbo Milovan Drecun, campagna di bombardamenti della NATO e ha direttamente influenzato negativamente la sopravvivenza di circa 3,5 milioni di persone in Africa, perché i progetti di costruzione nei quali 3,5 milioni di lavoratori stranieri basavano la loro esistenza sono stati interrotti.
Infatti l'ultimo documentario, la Verità Proibita, di Milovan Drecun, esperto militare ed analista politico, corrispondente di guerra per 30 anni, consegna affascinante punto di vista. Ha visitato la linea del fronte in Libia e parlato direttamente alle persone che erano fuggite dalle grinfie delle forze terroristiche della NATO.
Emerge che i massacri e le uccisioni non erano mai stati fatti dalle forze di Gheddafi, ma piuttosto da elementi terroristi con legami con Al-Qaeda, liberali, contro-rivoluzionari, delinquenti, criminali comuni, i fanatici islamici e opportunisti, il cui spazio è etichettato come "L'opposizione", mentre l'Occidente continua ad etichettare i terroristi come "ribelli". E la responsabilità della NATO in questo è stata massiccia. Fino al 7 giugno, la NATO ha operato 11.000 sortite aeree, nelle quali sono stati uccise o ferite 4.711 persone - almeno 856 di questi erano civili innocenti, 109 erano bambini. Almeno 523 civili sono stati gravemente feriti e 3.332 hanno ricevuto lesioni meno gravi.
Allora, dove è la base legale in questo e grazie a quale diritto internazionale? Perché la comunità internazionale siede e guarda e non fa nulla? Perché l'Africa non considera una rinegoziazione di tutti i contratti ora, escludendo i paesi della Nato che partecipano a questo oltraggio?
Milovan Drecun ha anche scoperto che Muammar Gheddafi ha il sostegno di tutte le tribù in Libia, i giovani libici sono in larga misura con lui e controlla circa l'85% del territorio nonostante i migliori sforzi collettivi di distruzione gratuita e omicidi da parte dei paesi della NATO. Recentemente, 2.000 sceicchi e i rappresentanti delle tribù hanno tenuto una riunione in cui si è deciso che non doveva esserci alcuna divisione del territorio della Libia, che l'Occidente non ha alcun diritto di interferire negli affari interni della Libia e che i libici non hanno il diritto di uccidersi tra di loro.
Linea di fondo: la NATO ha sperperato milioni di dollari che i suoi Stati membri avrebbero potuto utilizzare in progetti di sviluppo in patria, ha commesso massacri, la NATO ed i suoi amici terroristi sono i soli che uccidono civili, che il popolo di Gheddafi è dietro di lui e che i terroristi stanno perdendo su tutti i fronti.
Ora, se questo non è un criminale e omicida fallimento di una politica da parte della NATO, è difficile immaginare cosa sia.
traduzione di Levred
I principali media occidentali sono curiosamente in silenzio sulla Libia. Perché potrebbero esserlo? Riveliamo alcuni fatti sconvolgenti che vi raccontano dove il denaro della NATO viene speso. Mentre i programmi comunitari sono tagliati in Europa, hanno saputo i nostri lettori che vengono sprecati, per ogni aereo impegnato, fino a 100.000 dollari americani all'ora per massacrare bambini in Libia?
Vi dirò perché i media occidentali "comprati" stanno tranquilli sulla Libia. Tutto tace sulla Libia perché la NATO sta compiendo sempre più massacri di civili e i terroristi (per lo più stranieri) cari alla NATO stanno perdendo contro le forze del Colonnello Gheddafi a terra. Verso le 21,00 del 9 agosto aerei della NATO hanno compiuto un massacro di civili nel villaggio di Majer, nei pressi di Zliten - 85 persone hanno perso la vita, tra cui 33 bambini, 32 donne e 20 uomini.
La comunità internazionale guarda, i media internazionali restano in un cupo silenzio. E la verità su quanto sta accadendo in Libia sta scioccando al cuore la NATO. Proprio per questo motivo nelle ultime settimane, dalla brillante vittoria libica nella battaglia di Al-Brega contro i terroristi della NATO (si è affermato che circa 100.000 stranieri fanatici barbuti islamisti abbiano attraversato il confine dall'Egitto, poco prima che scoppiasse il caos), una battaglia nella quale una cortina fumogena ha offuscato i cieli in modo che i jets della NATO non potessero (illegalmente) intervenire in un conflitto interno per proteggere i terroristi contro le truppe del governo libico, la NATO sta immettendo sempre più mercenari nella lotta.
E 'anche per questo che la NATO sta bombardando strutture civili, come il sistema libico di fornitura di acqua, prende di mira la rete elettrica, per "piegare i civili" e distruggere la fabbrica di tubi dell'acqua, perché stanno guardando in faccia la sconfitta, nonostante Cameron e Sarkozy e la loro nauseante cricca di vigliacchi che hanno speso centinaia di milioni di dollari dei loro contribuenti in questa campagna illegale di assassinio, distruzione gratuita e danni criminali.
Cameron ha anche l'audacia di parlare contro i "criminali" nel suo paese, quando le sue forze stanno commettendo massacri di civili, distruzione di proprietà pubbliche e private e macellazione di bambini in Libia.
E perché proprio la NATO sta diventando così isterica? Mentre a casa la gente comincia a chiedersi perché i loro centri sociali sono stati chiusi, perché quell'ala ospedale non sarà aperta, perché i tagli di spesa fino al 85% nei programmi di istruzione e formazione hanno lasciato decine di migliaia di giovani senza futuro, mentre la NATO spende milioni e milioni ogni giorno, le cose stanno andando disastrosamente male sul terreno.
Sempre più spesso, sempre più mercenari stranieri vengono catturati e sempre più, diventa evidente che un gran numero dei terroristi sguinzagliati dalla NATO non sono nemmeno libici. E così disperata sta diventando, a quanto pare, che gli USA stanno segretamente tenendo colloqui con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri libico (secondo una ufficiosa dichiarazione di un portavoce del ministero in una posizione molto alta), per cui a Tripoli è stato detto che se si rinegoziano i contratti del valore di 45 miliardi di dollari che attualmente sono stipulati con la Federazione Russa e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, allora Washington agirà di conseguenza.
Solidarietà meravigliosa dal paese la cui Casa Bianca ha dichiarato in una lettera che è bene coinvolgere la NATO in quanto consentirà di risparmiare i soldi dei contribuenti americani e salverà la vita dei ragazzi statunitensi. Sì, hanno detto proprio così. Intendiamoci, se i piloti francesi conoscessero ciò che i loro colleghi britannici hanno detto su di loro, hahahahaha.
Le autorità britanniche stanno anche, a quanto pare, freneticamente cercando di salvare l'enorme numero di contratti firmati nel settore delle costruzioni, ora vedono la sconfitta fissando in faccia essi e i loro amici terroristi.
Secondo un documentario dall'analista serbo Milovan Drecun, campagna di bombardamenti della NATO e ha direttamente influenzato negativamente la sopravvivenza di circa 3,5 milioni di persone in Africa, perché i progetti di costruzione nei quali 3,5 milioni di lavoratori stranieri basavano la loro esistenza sono stati interrotti.
Infatti l'ultimo documentario, la Verità Proibita, di Milovan Drecun, esperto militare ed analista politico, corrispondente di guerra per 30 anni, consegna affascinante punto di vista. Ha visitato la linea del fronte in Libia e parlato direttamente alle persone che erano fuggite dalle grinfie delle forze terroristiche della NATO.
Emerge che i massacri e le uccisioni non erano mai stati fatti dalle forze di Gheddafi, ma piuttosto da elementi terroristi con legami con Al-Qaeda, liberali, contro-rivoluzionari, delinquenti, criminali comuni, i fanatici islamici e opportunisti, il cui spazio è etichettato come "L'opposizione", mentre l'Occidente continua ad etichettare i terroristi come "ribelli". E la responsabilità della NATO in questo è stata massiccia. Fino al 7 giugno, la NATO ha operato 11.000 sortite aeree, nelle quali sono stati uccise o ferite 4.711 persone - almeno 856 di questi erano civili innocenti, 109 erano bambini. Almeno 523 civili sono stati gravemente feriti e 3.332 hanno ricevuto lesioni meno gravi.
Allora, dove è la base legale in questo e grazie a quale diritto internazionale? Perché la comunità internazionale siede e guarda e non fa nulla? Perché l'Africa non considera una rinegoziazione di tutti i contratti ora, escludendo i paesi della Nato che partecipano a questo oltraggio?
Milovan Drecun ha anche scoperto che Muammar Gheddafi ha il sostegno di tutte le tribù in Libia, i giovani libici sono in larga misura con lui e controlla circa l'85% del territorio nonostante i migliori sforzi collettivi di distruzione gratuita e omicidi da parte dei paesi della NATO. Recentemente, 2.000 sceicchi e i rappresentanti delle tribù hanno tenuto una riunione in cui si è deciso che non doveva esserci alcuna divisione del territorio della Libia, che l'Occidente non ha alcun diritto di interferire negli affari interni della Libia e che i libici non hanno il diritto di uccidersi tra di loro.
Linea di fondo: la NATO ha sperperato milioni di dollari che i suoi Stati membri avrebbero potuto utilizzare in progetti di sviluppo in patria, ha commesso massacri, la NATO ed i suoi amici terroristi sono i soli che uccidono civili, che il popolo di Gheddafi è dietro di lui e che i terroristi stanno perdendo su tutti i fronti.
Ora, se questo non è un criminale e omicida fallimento di una politica da parte della NATO, è difficile immaginare cosa sia.
Donnerstag, 15. September 2011
Mittwoch, 14. September 2011
Dienstag, 13. September 2011
Libyen: Senfgas-Einsatz der NATO bestätigt!
jo on September 13th, 2011
englischer Originalartikel erschienen bei mathaba.net
Übersetzung John Schacher
Einwohner von Bani Walid bestätigten, daß von der NATO in ihrer Stadt chemische Waffen verwendet werden, einige Zeugen behaupten den Einsatz von Senfgas (gesehen auf Al-Rai Satellite-TV). Die NATO ist bekannt für den Einsatz chemischer Waffen, vorhergehende Berichte bestätigten den Einsatz von nuklearer DU and NDU-Waffen seit dem Beginn der Terror-Operation in Libyen.
Dieser Bericht wurde heute am 1o. September 2011 , um 17:00 bestätigt. Die NATO hat Senfgas gegen die Bewohner von Bani Walid benutzt. Journalisten ist es nicht erlaubt, die Stadt zu betreten. Die NATO versucht, den Informationsfluss zu kontrollieren, um eine falsche Wahrnehmung mit auf einseitiger Propaganda beruhenden Einzelheiten zu erzeugen. Vielerorts hat man den Eindruck, dass von der NATO ein langsamer Völkermord angestrebt wird. Erste Bilder der Giftgas-Opfer sind nun aufgetaucht.
Die libysche Stadt Bani Walid bleibt weiter unter der Kontrolle des Warfala-Stammes, die Rebellen versuchen in Verhandlungen erfolglos, diesen zur Kapitulation zu bewegen. Gaddafi’s Sohn Saif al-Islam befindet sich zusammen mit einem starken Militärkontingent in der Stadt, um der Invasion zu wiederstehen.
Die meisten Beobachter erkennen, dass die Libyer in die Unterwerfung gezwungen werden sollen, nachdem sie sich geweigert haben, das Land der NATO zu übergeben. Also greift die NATO zum Terrorismus und zu einem langsamen Völkermord.
Die Anti-Kriegs-Aktivistin Marinella Correggia erklärt im Filmbeitrag einige Dinge, die wir tun können, um die gnadenlose NATO-Attacke auf Libyen zu stoppen. Ihre email-Addresse ist mari.liberazioni@yahoo.it.
www.globalpeacenow.com + www.peoplesconference.org + www.greencharter.com +www.worldcrimes.org + www.mathaba.net/support = what are you waiting for?!
Quelle: mathaba.net
Vom Raubkrieg gegen die libysche Dschamahirija und “linken” Jubelpersern von Mikro71 @ 13. Sep 2011 – 18:11:31
von Johannes Löw 11.09.11 ( http://julius-hensel.com/)
Wenn wir von vielen Konglomeraten deutscher Linker in den letzten 20 Jahren Konzepte hören wollten, wie sie sich den Aufbau einer Gesellschaft und ihrer Ökonomie vorstellen, erhielten wir in der Regel nur unbestimmtes Gestammel. Hier möchte ich explizit die DKP ausnehmen, weil ich mich nie mit Konzepten der DKP beschäftigt habe und über diese Partei keine Aussage treffen kann. Von der Partei Die Linke vernehmen wir in erster Linie Vorschläge, wie der Kapitalismus zu retten sei.
Aus einer Menge linker Ecken (natürlich nicht aus allen) flattern Elaborate durch das Internet, die den Sieg der glorreichen Anti-Gaddafi-„Rebellen“ feiern, einige gehen sogar so weit, von einem „Sieg im Volkskrieg“ zu sprechen. (Ich habe festgestellt, dass aus DKP-Kreisen Solidarität mit dem wahren Libyen erkennbar ist.)
Ich möchte in diesem Zusammenhang kurz einige Errungenschaften des libyschen Staates aus den letzten 42 Jahren, seit Beginn der Fatah-Revolution durch einen unblutigen Putsch gegen König Idris 1. Sanussi skizzieren:
Aus einer Menge linker Ecken (natürlich nicht aus allen) flattern Elaborate durch das Internet, die den Sieg der glorreichen Anti-Gaddafi-„Rebellen“ feiern, einige gehen sogar so weit, von einem „Sieg im Volkskrieg“ zu sprechen. (Ich habe festgestellt, dass aus DKP-Kreisen Solidarität mit dem wahren Libyen erkennbar ist.)
Ich möchte in diesem Zusammenhang kurz einige Errungenschaften des libyschen Staates aus den letzten 42 Jahren, seit Beginn der Fatah-Revolution durch einen unblutigen Putsch gegen König Idris 1. Sanussi skizzieren:
Unter diesem König förderten britische Firmen Öl in Libyen und bezahlten dafür etwas an das Königshaus.
Der König war ein Mann, der Sklavenhändler bezahlte, dass sie ihm von überall aus der Welt Knaben besorgten, die er in einem Harem sammelte, der den Zweck hatte, seine exzessiven päderastischen Neigungen zu befriedigen.
Frauen durften den König nur ansprechen, wenn ein Bediensteter ihnen die Erlaubnis dafür erteilt hatte, dafür mussten sie sich vor ihm hinknien und seine Füße küssen, ehe sie den Mund aufmachten.
Das Land galt nach allen UN-Statistiken 1951 als das ärmste der Erde, und 1969, als die Fatah-Revolution begann, als das 3.-ärmste, was eben daran lag, dass die Briten dem König Geld für Öl bezahlten. Die Hebung des statistischen Status hatte jedoch rein gar nichts mit den allgemeinen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen im Land zu tun.
Eine weitere Einnahmequelle war der Unterhalt von britischen und amerikanischen Militärbasen.
Die libysche Bevölkerung war im Wesentlichen analphabetisch, es gab keine Schulen, keine Krankenhäuser, keine gepflasterten Straßen, kaum Elektrizität, kaum fließendes Wasser, die Bevölkerung lebte in Zelten.
Die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung lag nicht über 40.
Der König war ein Mann, der Sklavenhändler bezahlte, dass sie ihm von überall aus der Welt Knaben besorgten, die er in einem Harem sammelte, der den Zweck hatte, seine exzessiven päderastischen Neigungen zu befriedigen.
Frauen durften den König nur ansprechen, wenn ein Bediensteter ihnen die Erlaubnis dafür erteilt hatte, dafür mussten sie sich vor ihm hinknien und seine Füße küssen, ehe sie den Mund aufmachten.
Das Land galt nach allen UN-Statistiken 1951 als das ärmste der Erde, und 1969, als die Fatah-Revolution begann, als das 3.-ärmste, was eben daran lag, dass die Briten dem König Geld für Öl bezahlten. Die Hebung des statistischen Status hatte jedoch rein gar nichts mit den allgemeinen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen im Land zu tun.
Eine weitere Einnahmequelle war der Unterhalt von britischen und amerikanischen Militärbasen.
Die libysche Bevölkerung war im Wesentlichen analphabetisch, es gab keine Schulen, keine Krankenhäuser, keine gepflasterten Straßen, kaum Elektrizität, kaum fließendes Wasser, die Bevölkerung lebte in Zelten.
Die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung lag nicht über 40.
Behalten sie im Kopf, daß es die Fahne dieses Königs ist, unter der die „Rebellen“ „kämpfen“.
Und unter der bezahlte Funktionäre der Partei Die Linke wie Jelpke und Buchholz den Aufständischen im Namen der Partei ihre Solidarität ausdrücken.
Jetzt springen wir in den Januar 2011:
Libyen ist das Land mit dem höchsten allgemeinen Lebensstandard in Afrika. Der Lebensstandard ist höher als in der GUS und als in Teilen der EU. Die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung übersteigt 70 Jahre.
Libyen hat eine kostenlose allgemeine Gesundheitsversorgung, die in den Ballungsgebieten weit über dem Niveau eines bundesdeutschen Kassenpatienten liegt und in der Peripherie stetig ausgebaut wird, und in dem zwischen Staatsbürgern und Gastarbeitern kein Unterschied gemacht wird.
Libyen hat eine kostenlose allgemeine Gesundheitsversorgung, die in den Ballungsgebieten weit über dem Niveau eines bundesdeutschen Kassenpatienten liegt und in der Peripherie stetig ausgebaut wird, und in dem zwischen Staatsbürgern und Gastarbeitern kein Unterschied gemacht wird.
Libyen hat ein kostenloses Bildungssystem für Alle, Staatsbürger und Gastarbeiter. Viele Gastarbeiter erleben in Libyen zum ersten Mal so etwas wie eine Schulbildung.
Talentierte Studenten erhalten großzügige Stipendien für das Studium im Ausland.
Der libysche Staat sichert den Frauen gesetzliche Gleichberechtigung mit den Männern zu, was dem Oberst Gaddafi eine Verurteilung (Fatwa) des Ayatollah Khomeini eingebracht hat.
Jede libysche Familie hat entweder ein Haus oder eine Wohnung, die de facto kostenlos ist.
Libyen ist weitgehend elektrifiziert und es gibt überall fließendes Wasser.
Libyen betreibt Projekte der Agrarisierung der Wüste.
Libyer, die sich für die Farmarbeit entscheiden, erhalten ein kostenloses Stück Land zur Bebauung, eine Grundausstattung und jährlich ein Kontingent an kostenlosem Saatgut.
Diese Maßnahmen wurden durch den Great Man Made River möglich, ein Wassersystem, das unter der Sahara Süßwasser fördert und zu den Ansiedlungen und Städten führt.
Libyen ist weitgehend elektrifiziert und es gibt überall fließendes Wasser.
Libyen betreibt Projekte der Agrarisierung der Wüste.
Libyer, die sich für die Farmarbeit entscheiden, erhalten ein kostenloses Stück Land zur Bebauung, eine Grundausstattung und jährlich ein Kontingent an kostenlosem Saatgut.
Diese Maßnahmen wurden durch den Great Man Made River möglich, ein Wassersystem, das unter der Sahara Süßwasser fördert und zu den Ansiedlungen und Städten führt.
Libyen verfügt über eine Nationalbank, die es zu einem der 5 Staaten macht, die unabhängig von IWF und Weltbank sind. Der Libysche Dinar ist goldgedeckt durch 144 Tonnen Gold (zum Vergleich: Großbritannien verfügt über ca. 280 Tonnen Gold, um das Pfund zu decken.) Libyen hat nicht einen Cent Auslandsschulden oder Bankschulden.
Jeder Libyer erhält einen monatlichen Geldbetrag, um seinen Lebensunterhalt bezahlen und gestalten zu können.
Einkünfte aus Arbeit sind zusätzliche Einkünfte, so daß Libyer sich entscheiden können, ob sie arbeiten wollen oder nicht.
Jeder Libyer erhält einen monatlichen Geldbetrag, um seinen Lebensunterhalt bezahlen und gestalten zu können.
Einkünfte aus Arbeit sind zusätzliche Einkünfte, so daß Libyer sich entscheiden können, ob sie arbeiten wollen oder nicht.
Libyen trägt 80% der Kosten eines panafrikanischen Kommunikationssatelliten, der dem gesamten Afrika die Telekommunikation zu angemessenen Preisen ermöglicht.
Libyen hat einen African Monetary Fund eingerichtet und eine African Investment Bank, über welche Projekte in verschiedensten afrikanischen Staaten finanziert werden, die beitragen sollen, diese Länder aus der Zinsknechtschaft durch IWF und Weltbank herauszulösen und eine eigenständige Wirtschaft aufzubauen.
Das politische System Libyens ist für den westlichen Ausländer nur schwer zu durchschauen.
Einerseits gelten die traditionellen Regeln der mehr als 2000 Stämme, andererseits verfügt es über ein System der direkten Demokratie, wie sie von Oberst Gaddafi in der 3. Universaltheorie beschrieben wurde. Daß das in der Praxis einer ständigen Weiterentwicklung bedarf und auch Rückschläge erlebt, erschließt sich, glaube ich, jedem Menschen, der schon einmal versucht hat, mit anderen etwas aufzubauen.
Ich könnte diese Liste jetzt noch fortsetzen, aber das reicht erstmal.
Ich frage mich, was für Menschen sind das, und was wollen sie, die den Organisator eines solchen Staates als einen gar schrecklichen Tyrannen, oder wie das Modewort ist: „Diktator“ schimpfen.
Es war ab und zu notwendig, den Staat gegen Angreifer zu verteidigen.
Ich frage mich, welche Zielsetzungen “Die Linken” haben, welche die Zerschlagung eines solchen Staates unterstützen.
Denn außer Flugblättern, auf denen steht, sie seien antirassistisch, antiimperialistisch, antipatriarchal und gegen Antisemitismus, Infoläden mit wechselnder „Besatzung“ und ein paar Demos haben die noch nie etwas Greifbares oder Tragfähiges zustande gebracht! Konkret wissen wir von ihnen nur, daß alle außer ihnen blöd sind.
Sehen wir uns nun Libyen heute, am 11.09.11 an. Ich zähle jetzt nur ein paar Dinge auf, die eindeutig bewiesen sind.
Die Städte sind entweder menschenleere Geisterstädte oder Trümmerfelder.
Die Wasserversorgung ist zerbombt.
Die Elektrizitätswerke sind zerbombt.
Die Kornspeicher sind uranverseucht.
Es gibt kaum noch Telekommunikation.
Es gibt wenige Lebensmittel, wenig Wasser in Flaschen (in einem Wüstenland!) und kein Geld.
Die Wasserversorgung ist zerbombt.
Die Elektrizitätswerke sind zerbombt.
Die Kornspeicher sind uranverseucht.
Es gibt kaum noch Telekommunikation.
Es gibt wenige Lebensmittel, wenig Wasser in Flaschen (in einem Wüstenland!) und kein Geld.
Im ganzen Land stehen irgendwo Ansammlungen von Typen, die blöd in der Luft herumschießen und „Allahu akbar“ schreien. Sie warten, bis die NATO einen Ort bombardiert hat, fallen danach ein und plündern alles, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist.
Sie haben das archäologische Museum in Tripolis vollständig leergeräumt.
Sie überfallen Flüchtlingskonvois und Lager, entführen Frauen, vergewaltigen sie und schneiden ihnen hinterher die Brüste ab.
Sie machen Treibjagden auf schwarze Männer, die sie internieren, foltern und töten – auf afrikanischem Boden.
Kinder werden entführt und verschwinden, wie beispielsweise 105 aus einem Waisenhaus in Misurata, kurz nach dem die „Rebellen“ sich dort eingenistet haben.
Sie eilen davon, wenn libysche Soldaten auftauchen und keine NATO in der Nähe ist.
Der NTC hat bereits 29 Tonnen Gold der Nationalbank verscherbelt.
Sie machen Treibjagden auf schwarze Männer, die sie internieren, foltern und töten – auf afrikanischem Boden.
Kinder werden entführt und verschwinden, wie beispielsweise 105 aus einem Waisenhaus in Misurata, kurz nach dem die „Rebellen“ sich dort eingenistet haben.
Sie eilen davon, wenn libysche Soldaten auftauchen und keine NATO in der Nähe ist.
Der NTC hat bereits 29 Tonnen Gold der Nationalbank verscherbelt.
Die 120 Milliarden € Auslandsguthaben des Libyschen Staates wurden von den Banken, in denen sie angelegt sind, gestohlen mit dem Spruch: ist Gaddafis Geld. Sie werden scheibchenweise eingesetzt, um den militärischen Überfall zu finanzieren. Alleine durch das „Einfrieren“ sind alle Projekte zerschlagen, die von diesem Geld finanziert wurden oder von ihm abhängig sind.
Dschihadisten versuchen, die Scharia als Gesetz einzuführen. Sie haben beispielsweise in Benghazi vor 4 Monaten 16 Frauen öffentlich geköpft, weil sie in Parfümerieläden arbeiten, um die neue Ordnung klarzumachen.
Ganze Familien wurden in Benghazi lebendig eingemauert.
Ganze Familien wurden in Benghazi lebendig eingemauert.
In einem als besonders friedlich bekannten Land mit einer der niedrigsten Kriminalitätsraten der Welt wurden seit Februar 2011 weit über 50 000 Menschen getötet, unzählige verwundet, die medizinische Versorgung ist zusammengebrochen.
Ein interessantes Demokratieverhältnis offenbart sich: von etwa 6,5 Millionen Menschen sind 5 Mio. für ihren Staat, 100.000 dagegen. Die NATO schlachtet, nun teilweise unter Einsatz chemischer Waffen, diese 5 Mio. ab oder treibt sie in die Flucht, um ein Terrorregime der 100.000 durchzusetzen. Man könnte sagen, daß selbst, wenn man auf diese blödsinnige Phrase vom bösen Diktator und liebem Parlament hereinfällt, das demokratische Votum deutlich den Diktator bevorzugt. Aber freilich ist es Lüge, weil die Basisvolkskongresse die übergeordneten Volkskongresse wählen usw. Es existiert eben kein Parteienparlament, das alle 4 Jahre mit einem Kreuzchen auf einem Stück Klopapier zusammengewürfelt wird. (Polt kommt einem in den Sinn: „Ich brauche keine eigene Meinung, ich lebe schon in einer Demokratie.“)
Mehr will ich jetzt gar nicht aufzählen. Wer mehr wissen will und wenigstens eine Fremdsprache lesen kann, kann das relativ einfach im Internet recherchieren.
Den linken Cheerleadern der „Rebellen“ sei eines ganz deutlich gesagt: da ihr notorisch inhaltlich nur diffus und unwesentlich in Erscheinung tretet, werdet ihr an dem gemessen, womit ihr solidarisch seid. Kenner der Fakten interessieren sich nicht für blumige Theorien. Sie überprüfen die Theorie an der Realität.
Der Libyenkrieg hat diese Welt für immer verändert. Die Karten sind neu gemischt. Hier haben alle ihr wahres Gesicht gezeigt.
Mehr will ich jetzt gar nicht aufzählen. Wer mehr wissen will und wenigstens eine Fremdsprache lesen kann, kann das relativ einfach im Internet recherchieren.
Den linken Cheerleadern der „Rebellen“ sei eines ganz deutlich gesagt: da ihr notorisch inhaltlich nur diffus und unwesentlich in Erscheinung tretet, werdet ihr an dem gemessen, womit ihr solidarisch seid. Kenner der Fakten interessieren sich nicht für blumige Theorien. Sie überprüfen die Theorie an der Realität.
Der Libyenkrieg hat diese Welt für immer verändert. Die Karten sind neu gemischt. Hier haben alle ihr wahres Gesicht gezeigt.
Nun, das Wort Volkskrieg hat auch einen neuen Inhalt bekommen: Krieg gegen das Volk.
Johannes Löw, 11.09.11

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