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Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
Völker hört die Signale! Gestern der Irak, heute Libyen, morgen Syrien und dann die ganze Welt! Das ist der Kriegsschrei der „Neuen Weltordnung“ und gleichzeitig die Abkehr von Menschlichkeit und das Ignorieren von Völkerrecht und UN-Charta! Fallt denen in die Arme, die das Töten von Menschen zur Alltäglichkeit werden lassen wollen! Es dient nur Wenigen und nicht Euch! Steht endlich auf und lasst euch nicht belügen! Rettet die Humanität und kämpft für eine friedliche Erde! Der Mensch ist das Maß aller Dinge und nicht die Wenigen, die über Leichenberge ihre Interessen durchsetzen wollen!

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011

Adrenalinkz:Breaking News 3, October, 2011

Adrenalinkz:Breaking News 3, October, 2011

All the fronts have known several defeats for the renegades. The rats and their propaganda machine, focus on Sirte to try to obtain a symbolic victory in order to discourage the resistance in other fronts. But this strategy will fail because it has been tried withot success after the seize of Tripoli. In fact, despite this coup, the resistance has been organized and is now very strong.

*Ghat : Heavy defeat of the renegades of Benghazi who wanted to enter the town. 30 rats killed.

*Benghazi: nearly 50% of the city, especially in the suburbs, has raised the green flag of the revolution.

*Al Bidha: 60% of the city now raises (again) the green flag.

*Tobrouk : the renegades-terrorists of Benghazi and their accomplices from NATO had a hangover. They were driven out of town.

* Derna: Islamists who wanted to make of this small city a Libyan Islamic emirate, were driven from the city by the Loyalists.

*Zliten: people of the city asked the mercenaries to leave their city, after signing agreements with some neighboring towns. They say they will attack before the end of this week. Some rebels have already disappeared from the city.

*Zawiya: The city has returned to green, this information was confirmed by the rats....

*Zentan: the Berbers who inhabit the western Libyan signed an agreement with neighboring tribes to fight the horde of rabid dogs that make up the soldiers of the NTC.


According to latest reports NATO Mercenaries have entered Sirte city from the South, but are surrounded by Libyan Snipers causing heavy casualties. NATO forces can't retreat from their positions because they would be exposed to Libyan snipers.

At least hundred to two hundred NATO Mercenaries are trapped inside the city, no reinforcements have arrived yet. They are running out of supplies and asking for intensification of NATO terror operations.

It is yet unclear why NATO has not sent in reinforcements, maybe they are preoccupied in the East, and intense clashes in Tripoli districts.

There is a complete information black out. NATO Mercenaries even attacked the hospital which Red Cross visited to terrorize them and force them to leave the city with as little information as possible.

NATO has an intentional plan of blocking information coming out of the City, because they are loosing control over the situation on the ground.

Many Mercenaries are out of control and are following the commands of their own gang leader, there is no more central command in the outskirts of Sirte. Higher up orders are rejected by different factions.

NATO is trying to hide all these problems to keep the moral high, and all reporters are with NATO, so we can't expect much to come out of Sirte, it will take time for Libyan Defense Forces to contact outside sources to reveal the truth, but independent reports from within Libya is coming out in slow pace.


British Troops Caught In Libya&Call with British Ambassador
sonbakkah, дата: 27.09.2011
Labor to the West from the beginning of the crisis in Libya Mustafa Abdul Jalil, Minister of Justice and his interview with the British ambassador in Libya

Six British SAS soldiers landed by helicopter at the dead of night in eastern Libya. They were carrying passports from several countries, guns and explosives. They were detained by rebels. And during two days of negotiations for their release, Britain's ambassador to Libya said they were there to "liaise" the opposition. But a lot of people aren't convinced by this version of events.

"For the New World Order"
(Appeal to the peoples of planet Earth) Fedin Yourij Konstantinovich.Федин Юрий Константинович,
«19» марта 2011 г.

People of the World! Stop the chaos of Fininternon the planet.

The vents occurring since the beginning of 2011 in the Middle East and Central Asia, have shown to the peoples of the planet Earth, and finally openly expressed them Who is the Client and Organizer. Inter-ethnic, inter-personal, social and other conflicts, banditry and lawlessness seizures of property crime are shaken all over the world. Large-scale man-made and natural disasters take places more and more often. The life of the most amount of common people, is by a permanent threat in lots of occasions.
Assessing the historical perspective and relationship conflicts of the past and adversing changes in the human environment (biosphere), especially in XIX-XX centuries, it becomes obvious that all these are the consequence of the "Global triumphal procession" on the planet Earth;it is satanic in its nature " liberal ideology ", which provides control of all global processes from a single center of the world (let us call it 'Finance International" that emerged in the Middle Ages, consisting of a cohesive international Clan (dynasties of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg and others) of large private owners (bankers, latifundists , owners of factories, steamers, corporations), the USA, UK, Old Europe, Japan, Saudi Arabia). Representatives of these same people (fortunately still a minority of them), which affected the consciousness of "the virus of liberalism" are witting or unwitting perpetrators of these ideas and plans for their desire to profit (similar to the oligarchs and their supporters from Finintern) good stranger "in troubled waters "provoked by wars, revolutions, conflicts and unrests.
"Liberal Ideology" exists in the public consciousness and Genesis (lifestyle)of the vast majority of the peoples of Europe as a "paradigm of self-interest" under the influence of established in the Reformation (XY-XVI enturies) false philosophical ideas about the meaning of human life in its place, the role and purpose of a human being in the universe, which is found not in accordance with the fundamental universal principles of the Universal Law of the Universe - Univers-lex, which are: the indissoluble unity of the material and spiritual (not "or" - the liberals who share the Matter and Spirit), the harmonious interaction of all the entities together, focused on mutual benefit and no harm as a source of development and progress (the Liberals - "Struggle" - a source of personal development and the "benefits" are only for the man -for the individual, ie, harm may be done to other entities - to others, the Company, nature, the biosphere).

Despite this inconsistency to the Law of the Universe, the liberal ideology has become dominant in other continents due to global "export of ideas"to the beginning of third millennium and now represents a synthesis of three interrelated parts:

1. Worldview - "the philosophy of consumer materialism" (from Kant, Hegel to Marx, Lenin, and to today's "liberals": the primacy of matter (the needs of Homo-bio, ie, the body, consciousness (soul) - the second time), and Unity The struggle of opposites - a source of development (the concept of "unity" still exists, but only applies to the whole variety of types of matter). Priority in the "struggle" - personal satisfaction of material needs Homo-bio (and, at any price). Spiritual and moral development of human beings Homo-Sapience (ie, its consciousness (soul)) - the second time and, optionally, (liberals are to "separate" from the Bio-Body).
2.Ekonomic doctrine - "the economy monetarism": the genetic code of the economy, "money-commodity-money" (M-C-D) based on the "loan interest".

3. Politics (system) of control - a "policy of permanent struggle" with a subjectively chosen (or appointed) by Finintern "Enemies and Threats" (the principle of «Divide et impera!»)is for the implementation of the philosophical and economic goals.

This ideology, as the whole exercise is still not registered in any textbook (but it is put into practice withot announcement). Finintern is not interested in it, so not to give rise to critical scrutiny and disclosure, as it was with the teachings of communism, Soviet socialism, popular democracy, Maoist, etc. Publicly stated that the absence of any ideology (the principle of "deideologization" - a sign of "true freedom and independence" of man and society. They are present as a political model of "Western democracy" according which "rights and freedoms are above all!", and Silence when it comes to the duties and responsibilities for ones actions and the economic model of "market liberal economy" ("self-interest is above all! "and what about the common good and not causing harm? - and again there is silence.)
Since the end of XX centtury the liberal ideology is being actively implemented throughout the world in the form of "color revolutions" carried out by "Finintern" to the final determination on the ground of «Novus ordo seclorum» («the new order at all times", charted on the dollar bill since the establishment of the USA.
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact, as well as "cleaning" of the ruling elites in the new states formed here, and especially since the ratification of the Treaty in January 2011 on strategic arms START-2 Treaty between the U.S. and Russia - Finintern started accelerated completion of the implementation of its global plans already in other areas and regions - Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Middle East and North Africa.
The next step is Central Asia and Latin America (the main purpose is Iran and Venezuela). the question of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) for Finintern now is not a priority because it has complete control over their financial systems and export-import of strategic goods and raw materials through the structure of the WTO, ie, their economic independence significantly limited.

Russian ruling elite and the opposition system (as a "left" and "right" is held firmly : by personal foreign currency accounts and real estate as a main factor and pipelines and energy dependence of the European Union, maintaining a constant instability which is performed by radical Islamists in the Caucasus and other regions, the inhibition of the development of the real economy and social sphere (education, medicine, social security, housing. All these arerullrd by Finintern through the imposition of " standards".
China is also firmly rulled by Finintern since the days of Margaret Thatcher communication with Deng Xiaoping on the fate of Hong Kong. It is owe Finintern with its rapid economic boom at the expense of dumping the opportunities of reserve currencies (primarily U.S. dollar) and so far out of his teams and it can not (and the new Chinese elite tye same as in Russia) does not want it). The situation is similar with the ruling elites in India and Brazil. This seriously affects the position of the There was a correction of the Doctrine of world domination in 1998. The old doctrine of Allen Dulles of "fighting communism" was replaced by the doctrine of "fighting global terrorism," interpreted more broadly and subjectively (formerly "hostile zone" considered of to be socialist countries, now the enemy is the "terrorist" which can be "discovered" at any point of the planet - even in the Antarctic).
The vital importance of this struggle was prepared by Finintern by bombings in New York on the 11 of September, 2002 (as they say so called the fire to itself), as well as in Russia and other countries in Europe and Asia.
The road to unlimited use of the new doctrine was opened and the invasion into Afghanistan and Iraq began. Then there were orgonised the "color revolutions" in Georgia, the Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Moldova. nd subversive actions were organised against North Korea, Syria, Iran, Russia (Caucasus), Belarus, China (Xinjiang, Tibet), Venezuela, Bolivia, etc. all around the world.
BRIC countries in relation to the "hot" issues on the planet.

A powerful "fifth column" in the most of countries (including Russia and some Islamic countries) accomplices Finintern in its plans was created by it for the last 40 years, from among persons who have received training and special treatment in the "Harvard-Oxford" and now occupy key positions in the state rulling, business and law enforcement agencies in these countries.

The technology of training and special operations of Finintern (conditionally "Global Cleaning - XXI") is:

- It is a coalition nature (to learn the lessons of unilateral the U.S. military invasion of Afghanistan in 2001) connecting with the obligatory "allies" in Finintern and NATO-controlled UN agencies, the International Court in The Hague for a legal justification for their actions;

- A massive processing of world public opinion and the population in areas with injection of a special operation targeting false information (tested by the method of Joseph Goebbels), using of mainly satellite communications (for example: "the existence of Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons", and "production of nuclear weapons in Iran and its preparence to strike in Israel, "" nuclear missile threat from North Korea, "etc.);

- Consolidation and equipping of intelligence network and the "5th column" in the upcoming field of action (money, weapons, drugs, mobile communication and other equipment - the experience of confrontation with the USSR during the Soviet-Afghan War, 1978-88gg, when for the first time there was established a militant terrorist organization "Al Qaeda," headed by a young at that time CIA agent Bin Laden. Al Qaeda is still going to act on the instructions of the Customer in other regions - Russia, the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America);
- An essential component is a well-equipped and trained military force with a primary attraction of well paid mercenaries, including ethnically close to the local population;
- Distribution of genetically modified food and Drug Administration ("charitable" help to die) in the areas of conflict and disasters.
And now - the entire arsenal is used in the North Africa and the Middle East. There was a new such as for the first time the scale used for customer-controlled Internet social networks (FaceBook, Twitter, etc.) for the treatment of public opinion, coordination and management actions of "insurgents." This proved to be very effective. Success was achieved in late 2010 conducted "experiment" with the site Weekileaks («leaked" confidential information about the U.S. - the next "call the fire to itself" was an analogy with the terrorist attacks in New York, 09.11.2001), to "convince" the public of " validity "of Internet information. Now it is possible to throw in a purposeful false information to the Internet, catch all the liberal media (TV, radio, print media) to discredit al-Gaddafi (who is now the main goal of Finintern) in the eyes of the world and local communities (airstrikes on the local population, preparing to use chemical weapons, "Success "and" overwhelming "influence of the rebels in the country, etc.) and using it as an excuse for UN approval for military intervention.

An intensive treatment including bribery of representatives of the Arab League and African Union (mainly oil) is conducted in support of UN sanctions against Libya and blocking the initiative of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to send a peacekeeping mission to the region from representatives of friendly countries in Libya to resolve the conflict in the country without military intervention from outside.
Finiterna efforts were not wasted. In the short term (within 1 month!) it was succeeded in making the UN Security Council resolution number 1973 from 18.03.2011g of a military air operations NATO against the successful suppression of the forces of "rebel" troops Gaddafi (the task - to destroy him personally.) The resolution was supported by representatives and already "stripped" Arab countries and Arab League. Abstaining only representatives of the BRIC countries and Germany. It is characteristic that none of the permanent Security Council members did not exercise its veto (reason - read above).

We have to admit that Finintern has won another victory - an Experiment with the formation of the "expanded" coalition (the first time - with the involvement of the contries of the third world)and it was was a success!
Now the way for using of technology "Mopping - XXI" to change the regime in any other countries and regions across the planet is open!

At the same time, the peoples of the world has finally come to understanding that the UN has become the structure that performs the role of "legal cover" for plans of Finintern.

Finintern subversive actions to create a "permanent Chaos" on the planet pursue a global goal - to provide favorable conditions for the realization of his dream come true - and completely unchecked by anyone else to dispose of all natural, labor, intellectual and other resources of the planet and its biosphere only in personal and corporate interests of his clan.
Finintern subversive actions to create a "permanent Chaos" on the planet pursues a global goal which is to provide favorable conditions for the realization of his dream come true; it is completely unchecked by anyone else disposing of all natural, labor, intellectual and other resources of the planet and its biosphere only in personal and corporate interests of his clan.
The essence of that is maximizing of personal and clan benefits of the total and at all costs - the core of the "Great Liberal Ideas" of Finintern(see above - "The paradigm of self-interest".

To be continued...

Please: thumb down: video is mocking at Kaddafi:

Occupy WallStreet protests have spread outside US to other Western nations, Canadians and Australians are already planning similar protests and now it has spread all the way to London. Protesters plan to occupy London's Trafalgar Square against British aggression in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

Organizers said that "[We] will occupy Trafalgar Square on Saturday 8 October to show our opposition to war, representing the vast majority of people in Britain who have opposed Britain's involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya,".

Americans are already digging in protest sites, the US regime is fearing an uprising if things get out of control.

Although the protests are peaceful, US has already arrested over a thousand people, most were arrested over Boston Bridge.

People are buying sleeping bags and camping similar to Tahrir Square protests which caused the down fall of Egyptian puppet regime.

Breaking News 3, October;British Troops Caught In Libya&Call with British Ambassador;"For the New World Order"(article);more... 

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