Today a wonder happened. The imperialist propaganda organization BBC told the truth about Sirte. The BBC accurately called what NATO’s NTC stooges do in Sirte and titled: Sirte being ‘destroyed block by block’. That’s exacty what the Northern-Atlantic Terror-Organisation NATO does with it’s predatory war of aggression against Libya: destroying the country, town by town, block by block, and massacring it’s people to plunder their wealth.
Of course, in an country like Britain whose monarchists hate freedom of speech and even more hate the ugly truth about their crimes against Africa, that little piece of truth at the BBC didn’t last for long. Not even an hour went by before it was detected. Britains political media control then immediatly changed BBC’s headline to something that’s not so bluntly revealing the crimes of Britain, NATO and their NTC stooges in Libya.
So now BBC’s headline for the very same article and video is: „Libya: Gaddafi loyalists continue to fight off NTC troops„. It can be still seen on Google that the headline of the very same BBC’s news item was before „Sirte being ‘destroyed block by block,’“ but on Orwellian BBC itself that headline vanished as it never existed before.
An, yes, Libyan citizens in Sirte, Bani Walid and all other places in Libya still resist NATO and their NTC stooges and will always do so, because they love their green direct democracy, reject being brainwashed by propaganda organisations like the BBC and totally refuse to be ruled by a brutal and ruthless dictator like „Queen Elizabeth II“, her war criminal comrades like Sarkozy, her American bankster buddies and her terrorist NTC puppets.
And the people of Libya are not alone. The people in Britain also start already protesting to bring down the monarch dictatorship of Britain and it’s partners in crime. The resistance against the totally currupt British monarchy goes already far beyond Northern Ireland.
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