Über mich
- Lutz Schindler
- Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
- Völker hört die Signale! Gestern der Irak, heute Libyen, morgen Syrien und dann die ganze Welt! Das ist der Kriegsschrei der „Neuen Weltordnung“ und gleichzeitig die Abkehr von Menschlichkeit und das Ignorieren von Völkerrecht und UN-Charta! Fallt denen in die Arme, die das Töten von Menschen zur Alltäglichkeit werden lassen wollen! Es dient nur Wenigen und nicht Euch! Steht endlich auf und lasst euch nicht belügen! Rettet die Humanität und kämpft für eine friedliche Erde! Der Mensch ist das Maß aller Dinge und nicht die Wenigen, die über Leichenberge ihre Interessen durchsetzen wollen!
Montag, 31. Dezember 2012
Freitag, 28. Dezember 2012
Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2012
Tunisian Mercenary Explains Why He Left the Jihadists from FSA

It’s Christmas Day so here’s an interview with a Sunni jihadist who was lured by the sweet sound of ZOG money and along with other Tunisian young Muslims, answered the mercenary recruitment call to fight alongside the FSA terrorists in Syria. His name is Ali Garbousi, he’s 29 year old and comes from Gafsa, Tunisia.
The young Tunisian recalls how he was smuggled into Syria by the way of Turkey, how he lived with other mercenaries who were filthy pigs, how over 124 Libyans and Tunisians were murdered and burned to death by the FSA in Homs so the terrorists have something to blame on the Syrian regime, how no recruited mercenaries were provided with proper medical care and became doomed when injured and how they were generally treated as expandables (cannon fodders):
We are the grease used to lubricate the oozing Syrian blood
Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012
Syrien: 4-jähriges Kind von den “Rebellen” öffentlich hingerichtet
Syrien: 4-jähriges Kind von den “Rebellen” öffentlich hingerichtet
Artikel von Zirze am

Laut einem Bericht von irakischen
Menschenrechtlern, hatten die bewaffneten Rebellengruppen das Haus einer
schiitisch – irakischen Familie im Seyede Zainab Quartier in der
Hauptstadt Damaskus gestürmt und die Mutter, den Vater, Schwestern und
Brüder und die Grosseltern getötet. Danach wurde das jüngste Kind der
Familie von den “Rebellen” mit Schlägen und Tritten grauenhaft
misshandelt und dann öffentlich gehängt. Zuvor wurde es gezwungen die
Tötung seiner Familie mit anzusehen.
Bei einem ähnlichen Verbrechen in der
vergangenen Woche hatten die “Rebellen” im Nordwesten der Stadt Aleppo
brutal 15 Zivilisten unter dem Vorwurf der Unterstützung der Bashar
al-Assad Regierung hingerichtet. Hunderte Menschen, darunter Angehörige
der Sicherheitskräfte, wurden bei diversen Protestkundgebungen getötet,
die sich dann in bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen verwandelten.
Die Assad Regierung beschuldigt Outlaws, Saboteure, und bewaffnete
terroristische Gruppen zahlloser Tötungen und betonte, dass die Unruhen
aus dem Ausland orchestriert werden..FSA Terrorists Learn How to Shoot by Firing at Slain Corpses
FSA Terrorists Learn How to Shoot by Firing at Slain Corpses

Bullets galore. Supplies courtesy of Hillary the Obtuse keep coming so the terrorists can waste as must as they please. People they killed are dead all right, but the Sunnis still need to show off on camera and so they riddle the slain men ad nauseum. It’s like watching a bunch of kids goofing off with plastic guns, except that these Sunni retards have real rifles.
I can’t even describe the pity I feel for the sheep who still at this point bow down to everything Hillary says and take the absolutism without questioning. Just look at these fucking FSA monkeys – are they for fucking real? LOL.
Remember what Hillary and the ilk told their sheep when the FSA genocide in Syria started – back then they called them “unarmed protesters”. When it became clear that the FSA are are so heavily armed and manned they could put any army to shame, the title was changed into “freedom fighters”, but it took the sheep for fucking ever to quit it with “unarmed protesters”. How long will it take them to do the same with “freedom fighters” and start calling the FSA the fitting names, like – terrorists?
Video of FSA monsters practising shooting by firing at slain corpses is below:
Donnerstag, 20. Dezember 2012
Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012
Was there a massacre in the Syrian town of Aqrab?
Friday 14 Dec 2012
Was there a massacre in the Syrian town of Aqrab?
Rate thisIt is not a journey undertaken lightly, and 24 hours of intense planning were needed before we were able to drive west from the provincial capital, Hama.
Even then, an onboard escort was necessary, and we were passed from escort vehicle to escort vehicle across the patchwork of villages on the central fertile plains.
Local knowledge is very much the difference between life and death in a place where a wrong turn can mean the wrong people who find the wrong papers on you – with consequences that are all too often fatal.
So a drive of just 10 miles or so as the crow flies took us over an hour. And then, coming over yet another rocky ridge, there it was: Aqrab.
Eye-witness accounts
It’s a small place, and we were under a mile away. A low-rise, densely packed town of 9,000 Sunni and 2,000 Alawites. Three large minarets pierce the glowering winter skies here.
What follows is a series of eye-witness accounts which runs almost entirely against the version of what happened here which has gone global from rebel propaganda websites.
We do not say what follows is the truth. But we can say it is the first independently observed story of Aqrab from the first outside journalist to reach this area.
We interviewed three key eye-witnesses in three separate locations. They could not have known either of our sudden arrival, nor did they know the identities of the other two eye-witnesses.
What is striking is that their accounts entirely corroborate each other, to the last detail. And their accounts are further backed up by at least a dozen conversations with other Alawites who had fled from Aqrab.
Hayat Youseh is sheltering with relatives in a village some distance from Aqrab.

Her husband is still in there. And her son, 18-year-old Ali Ibrahim, suffered a broken leg which went untreated for 12 days.
Ali al-Hosin is about 16 and clearly traumatised. He says both his parents and 23 members of his extended family are still trapped in there.
Madlyan Hosin is also close to tears. She says her four uncles and aunts are still in there, and two of the aunts are pregnant.

Not ‘normal Syrians’
All three agree – as do the rebels – that rebels attacked Aqrab on Sunday 2 December. Madlyan says: “They had long beards. It was hard to understand what they said. They weren’t dressed like normal Syrians.”
I press her and she is adamant that their Arabic was not from Syria.
The youth Ali told us: “They all had big beards and came in four or five cars, from the direction of al-Houla.”
They all insist, as did everybody else we met, that the rebels from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) corralled around 500 Alawite civilians in a large red-coloured two-storey house belonging to a prominent businessman called Abu Ismail.
They then say they were held – around 500 men, women and children – in this building until the early hours of Tuesday 11 December. Nine days.
In that time they say almost no food was delivered, and women were hitting their own children to try and stop them crying. When it rained, they were holding rags out of the window to soak up and drink the moisture.
Hayat says that the rebels told everybody: “We are your brothers from al-Houla and al-Rastan, your Islamic brothers. We won’t hurt you.”
Both these towns are rebel strongholds. Al-Houla, just five miles away, is the scene of a notorious massacre in May of 108 civilians, mostly women and children.
Human shields?
They say the rebels wanted to take the women and children to al-Houla to use them as human shields against bombardment from government forces, and they believed they would kill the remaining men.
They all agree matters came to a head when a delegation of villagers was sent on Monday at 4pm to break the deadlock. In that delegation were a retired senior army officer, Hamid Azzudin, the town’s Sunni imam, Sheikh Sayid Hawash, and also Hashab, the town mayor.
When they arrived, the prisoners would not let them leave. As Ali puts it: “Once they came into the house, we just said, ‘We all go together, men women and children – or we all die together.’”
It appears negotiations ran between these elders and the rebels for around four hours, ending in deadlock at around eight o’clock on Monday night.
At that point, shooting broke out, the rebels firing through the windows and shouting that they had booby-trapped the building. The eye-witnesses say that the shooting died down at about midnight, after which a deal was done. In screaming night-time chaos and intermittent shooting, three vehicles took around 70 of the prisoners to safety in the nearest village a mile away.
However, it seems a fourth vehicle took a number of prisoners to al-Houla, where two – an unidentified woman and a boy – were treated for injuries in a rebel field hospital.
The woman and boy blamed pro-government militia for taking the prisoners, according to rebel websites, and that is the version of events which has gone around the world.
Until now.
Our witnesses, however, were interviewed independently of each other and are prepared to give their names and appear on global television.
Curiously, rebel websites say the building containing the prisoners who remained, was completely destroyed by government artillery and air strikes on Tuesday. However, we saw and filmed the building in which eye-witnesses said they were imprisoned, and it appears intact – as does the rest of the village.
Another curious observation. If you check rebel websites and their YouTube videos, from 2 December onwards, there appears to be no mention of a large number of Alawites being held in the village. This appears an unusual omission for what would presumably be an enormous propaganda coup.
Another curiosity is that their version of events doesn’t explain why government officials in Hama are frantically negotiating the release of prisoners, wounded people and, indeed, bodies from a stand-off which they say is still going on right now.
And another thing to ponder. Invariably when there’s a massacre, the rebels put the bodies out on YouTube and make a song and dance about it. If the government really did massacre up to 250 people from President Assad’s own Alawite sect, YouTube would be 10 feet deep in rebel videos, of the bodies, of the funerals, of the carnage. Be in no doubt about this. Yet check on YouTube – there is not a scrap of video to back their story.
Both sides talk of what would be the biggest massacre of Alawites of this war. They are, of course, the same sect as President Bashar al-Assad. The rebels have put their version of the story out, saying between 200 and 250 people were killed when the government bombed that house on Tuesday.
Fearing for their lives, government officials will not comment on camera, but they are convinced a major massacre has happened here after the lucky few broke free early on Tuesday morning.
One group of people can unlock one dispute here, and that is the Red Crescent, who gained access to the prisoners nine days into the stand-off. They know for sure whether it was government militia or rebels holding those people. However, this is a dangerous place, and so far the Red Crescent have made no comment.
Follow @alextomo on Twitter
Related posts:
Freitag, 14. Dezember 2012
Syrien: 4-jähriges Kind von den “Rebellen” öffentlich hingerichtet
Syrien: 4-jähriges Kind von den “Rebellen” öffentlich hingerichtet
Artikel von Zirze am

Laut einem Bericht von irakischen
Menschenrechtlern, hatten die bewaffneten Rebellengruppen das Haus einer
schiitisch – irakischen Familie im Seyede Zainab Quartier in der
Hauptstadt Damaskus gestürmt und die Mutter, den Vater, Schwestern und
Brüder und die Grosseltern getötet. Danach wurde das jüngste Kind der
Familie von den “Rebellen” mit Schlägen und Tritten grauenhaft
misshandelt und dann öffentlich gehängt. Zuvor wurde es gezwungen die
Tötung seiner Familie mit anzusehen.
Bei einem ähnlichen Verbrechen in der
vergangenen Woche hatten die “Rebellen” im Nordwesten der Stadt Aleppo
brutal 15 Zivilisten unter dem Vorwurf der Unterstützung der Bashar
al-Assad Regierung hingerichtet. Hunderte Menschen, darunter Angehörige
der Sicherheitskräfte, wurden bei diversen Protestkundgebungen getötet,
die sich dann in bewaffnete Auseinandersetzungen verwandelten.
Die Assad Regierung beschuldigt Outlaws, Saboteure, und bewaffnete
terroristische Gruppen zahlloser Tötungen und betonte, dass die Unruhen
aus dem Ausland orchestriert werden..Quelle: Schweiz-Magazin
Syrien: NATO-Rebellen drohen mit Mord an gefangene Journalistin - der westlichen Journaille ist dies keine Zeile wert
Man hört sie ununterbrochen vor Heuchelei sabbernd schreien, wenn es
beispielsweise darum geht, Putin einen Auftragsmord an einer russischen
Journalistin zu unterstellen, ohne Beweise oder wenigstens schlüssige
Indizien dafür zu haben.
Putin betonte immer wieder, dass ihm Anna Politkowskaja erst tot zur Last wurde, was der Realität entspricht.
Doch warum hört man von den "Propheten der Pressefreiheit" nichts über Anchar Kotschnewa.
Mit den "Propheten der Pressefreiheit" meine ich nicht nur die hiesigen Qualitätsmedien, sondern auch Institutionen wie die vom CIA gesteuerten "Reporter ohne Grenzen".
Deren Netzseite kennt keine Kollegin diesen Namens.
Kotschnewa ist eine ukrainische Journalistin, die sich seit zwei Monaten in Gefangenschaft der vom Westen finanzierten und unterstützten "Syrischen Befreiungsarmee" befindet.
Die sog. "Syrische Befreiungsarmee" drohte jetzt damit, Kotschnewa zu ermorden.
Und selbst diese Morddrohung stört nicht, sie ist den Sittenwächtern über die angeblich unteilbaren Menschenrechte nicht eine Zeile wert.
Wieder einmal haben sie bewiesen, dass sie keine Werte vertreten oder Moral für sich beanspruchen können.
Es ist die Heuchelei, mit der sie eigentliche Ideale vergewaltigen, um ihre niederen Beweggründe in die Hirne der ahnungslosen Massen zu impfen.
Eingestellt von
LuxPutin betonte immer wieder, dass ihm Anna Politkowskaja erst tot zur Last wurde, was der Realität entspricht.
Doch warum hört man von den "Propheten der Pressefreiheit" nichts über Anchar Kotschnewa.
Mit den "Propheten der Pressefreiheit" meine ich nicht nur die hiesigen Qualitätsmedien, sondern auch Institutionen wie die vom CIA gesteuerten "Reporter ohne Grenzen".
Deren Netzseite kennt keine Kollegin diesen Namens.
Kotschnewa ist eine ukrainische Journalistin, die sich seit zwei Monaten in Gefangenschaft der vom Westen finanzierten und unterstützten "Syrischen Befreiungsarmee" befindet.
Die sog. "Syrische Befreiungsarmee" drohte jetzt damit, Kotschnewa zu ermorden.
Und selbst diese Morddrohung stört nicht, sie ist den Sittenwächtern über die angeblich unteilbaren Menschenrechte nicht eine Zeile wert.
Wieder einmal haben sie bewiesen, dass sie keine Werte vertreten oder Moral für sich beanspruchen können.
Es ist die Heuchelei, mit der sie eigentliche Ideale vergewaltigen, um ihre niederen Beweggründe in die Hirne der ahnungslosen Massen zu impfen.
Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2012
FSA Child Soldier Beheads an Unarmed Civilian with a Sword
Boston.com reported that the Kenyan administration has supported the Syrian rebels with an excess of $200 Million US. Meanwhile, Hillary the Obtuse promised to have the financial support for the terrorists increased. And what do the rebels do with the money? Kidnap civilians who do not support their genocide and mercilessly execute them. To show they mean business, they won’t hesitate to force children into beheading the captives.
This video shows one of the FSA child soldiers decapitating an unarmed prisoner by hacking his head off with a sword. The rebels placed the civilian’s head on a brick and gave the child a sword he couldn’t even wield properly. As a results, the blows, albeit painful and paralyzing, failed to severe the head. The video however delivered the message it was intended to deliver – utter humiliation of non supporters by having a grown man completely submitted and at the mercy of a child.
Today I browsed the interweb and noticed how the knowledge of the situation in Syria has changed. I remember when I was the only one, the outcast at whom everybody pointed a finger for daring to say that the rebels were no freedom fighters. Best Gore – the first for the truth, but look at the state of the affairs now… vast majority of internet users already know who the real bad guys in Syria are and blogs are shifting from bashing on Bashar al Assad to bashing on the rebels. People have come to, because all they needed to do was open up their eyes. You can’t hide the truth forever. Although Zionists owned mainstream media and their puppet politicians still parrot the same bullshit about the Syrian government being the evil regime, something only a complete and helpless sheep would still believe.
Check out the disturbing video of a Syrian child soldier beheading a prisoner of war with a sword below:
Montag, 10. Dezember 2012
As death toll in Syria keeps mounting, Hillary keeps drooling. Uhh, uhh, a few thousand more and I’ll squirt. Her boys are doing a fine job slaying everyone that crosses their path. It’s an achievement she can proudly check off her list – genocide.
It looks like whole village was wiped out when this video was filmed. But the interesting bit which can’t escape my keen eye is that the “survivors” are all males of fighting age, yelling their pre-scripted Snackbar bullshit. Somehow they want us to believe that the government soldiers came, selectively killed everyone except from Sunni males fit to carry arms and then left. LOOOL!
You’d have to be a complete dumbass to not see that these men came, annihilated whole village, filled the room with corpses, put their weapons away and perhaps even changed clothes and then started filming while relentlessly yelling “Allahu Akbar, Bashar committed genocide”.
Two and two equals four, but the sheep believe it’s five cause Hillary the Obtuse told them it was five. Makes sense…
As death toll in Syria keeps mounting, Hillary keeps drooling. Uhh, uhh, a few thousand more and I’ll squirt. Her boys are doing a fine job slaying everyone that crosses their path. It’s an achievement she can proudly check off her list – genocide.
It looks like whole village was wiped out when this video was filmed. But the interesting bit which can’t escape my keen eye is that the “survivors” are all males of fighting age, yelling their pre-scripted Snackbar bullshit. Somehow they want us to believe that the government soldiers came, selectively killed everyone except from Sunni males fit to carry arms and then left. LOOOL!
You’d have to be a complete dumbass to not see that these men came, annihilated whole village, filled the room with corpses, put their weapons away and perhaps even changed clothes and then started filming while relentlessly yelling “Allahu Akbar, Bashar committed genocide”.
Two and two equals four, but the sheep believe it’s five cause Hillary the Obtuse told them it was five. Makes sense…
Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012
Wer sind eigentlich die Schabihas von welchen unsere Medien immer sprechen?
von http://urs1798.wordpress.com/
Wer sind eigentlich die Schabihas von welchen unsere Medien immer sprechen? #Syrien #Syria
tags: " The Universal Declaration for Human Rights" 1948 10 Dez, ADARS e. V. Daraa Horan, adopt a revolution spenden für Terror, AI, Al Qaeda, ARD, AVAAZ, Berlin München, Bilderberger Verbrecher, CDU, DEUTSCH- SYRISCHER VEREIN, Deutsch-Syrischer Verein zur Förderung der Freiheiten und Menschenrechte in Syrien, die Folterer, die Mörder, die Verbrecher, Erdogan Faschist, FDP, FSA, FSA _ Haurans, HRW, Jihadisten, Kurden "westkurdistan" Grüne Kriegspartei, Lügen, Mörderparteien, Medien. Meinungsmache, meta Tagesschau, Mustafa Gumrok, Nato, Patriot Raketen Die Grünen NATO-Kriegspartei, Schabihas, Shabihas, Siria, SPD, Syria, Syrien, tagtest, Takfiris, Terroristen, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, Verbrecherische Medien
Mißhandelte Schabihas, sie wurden später hingerichtet…
So sehen die Schabihas aus von welchen unsere Medien nur in übelster Kriegshetze reden, Opfer werden ohne Skrupel zu Tätern umgelogen. Schaut sie euch an, die Sammlung wächst und wird fortgesetzt:
Bei uns werden die Soldaten als mörderische brutale Schabihas dargestellt, andere Bezeichnung auch die “Schergen” Assads.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0EiLsXHp9k&feature=plcp *
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxQ4drA8vvo&feature=channel&list=UL -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNzvw0aZ9c8&feature=fvwrel *
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QxdhW9l25g&feature=related *
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvJ-2nhWSSE&feature=channel&list=UL **
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwFgAK6KZd0&feature=plcp **
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01kGmDaVot0&feature=channel&list=UL **
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LSChnzxYtA&feature=plcp **
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqbOg6KNA-A&feature=plcp **
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O91fWe9I5jw&feature=plcp ***
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kWw2Y6_Who&feature=related ***
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AO6LEIGQF0c&feature=related ***
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh5sxps9zQ0&feature=related ***
Playliste mit Geiseln in Terroristenhand
Alleine 83 Videos wurden bereits aus dieser playliste bei youtube entfernt:
Ich wollte die unsichtbaren Gespenster, die Schabihas zeigen, sie sind zu Hunderten sichtbar, unsere Medien bemerken sie nicht oder haben sie einfach die Wahrheit verdreht?
Wer sind hier die Schabihas, die Folterer, die Mörder, die Verbrecher?
AI, HRW, AVAAZ, Ärzte ohne Grenzen, alle schauen weg und machen Propaganda für Kapitalverbrecher und sammeln Spenden, damit diese Kriminellen weiter foltern und morden können….
Viele der Menschen aus den Videos wurden grausamst ermordet, wenige durch Lösegeld freigekommen, viele vermisst
Warum man die Videos der FSA-Terroristen und ihre barbarischen Verbrechen sichern sollte #Syrien #Syria
Sie werden in unseren Medien Schabihas genannt #Syrien#Syria
Mörderische Milizen aus Harasta-Douma schneiden ihren Geiseln die Kehlen durch #Syrien #Syria – FSA crimes exposed-
18+ Syria_ Salafi-Wahabi Terrorists Execute 16 Prisoners in Douma then Fabricate Video!:
16 Schabihas bestialisch ermordet, überprüfbar, unsere
Medien machen weiterhin Propaganda für die Killer und nennen sie
liebevoll Aufständische oder Rebellen…Weitere Geiseln durch wahabitische Fanatiker der FSA-Milizen verstümmelt und ermordet. Deir-Ezzor #Syria Crimes exposed
Wird ergänzt noch durch viele Schabihas aus 18 Monaten, ich bin gerade dabei …bevor sie ausgelöscht werdenEine gute Nachricht jedoch, 12 000 Schabihas wurden durch die syrische Armee befreit:
Syrische Armee befreit über 12.000 christliche Geiseln aus der Hand wahhabitischer Terroristen
25. August 2012
Ein Schabiha in unseren Medien, ich sehe einen Menschen in Todesangst, in den Händen der gnadenlosen Mördern welche von unseren öffentlich rechtlichen Medien hochgehalten werden als die zukünftigen Demokraten.in Syrien. So demokratisch wie Saudi-Arabien, so demokratisch wie Katar, so demokratisch wie Bahrain, so demokratisch wie ein Hakim Belhadj in Libyen, so demokratisch wie die Regierenden in der USA etc handeln?
Nein, um Menschenrechte geht es ihnen nicht, sie sind gleich, man sieht es an Guantanamo…
Ein Mensch, ein Schabiha laut unseren Medien, aus einem Video :

Schabiha, laut unseren den Medien, ich sehe einen Mensch in Todesangst in den Händen von Terroristen.
Auf welcher Seite stehen unsere Demokraten, auf welcher Seite stehen unsere Medien?
Ein junger Schabiha:
“Das Banner des Monotheismus = Geständnisse eines der Kinder, die von dem System verwendet, um die Elemente der freien Armee anzuzeigen”
Schabiha in den Händen der vom Westen unterstützten Vereinigungsbrigaden, die westliche Journalie und andere Agenten geben sich in deren Kommandozentralen die Klinke in die Hand.
Ivan Watson soll besonderes Filmmaterial haben, als die Tahweed Brigaden die Anführer des Berri-Clans bestialisch exekutierten, soll auch ein Kind darunter gewesen sein.
Und nun erneut ein Kind in deren Händen, was werden sie nach der Filmvorführung und Propaganda mit ihm machen?
Ich denke auch das Kind begreift nicht in welcher Situation es sich befindet. Der Junge wirkt “uralt” vom Aussehen. Ein Hinweis auf eine eventuelle Krankheit, eine Behinderung oder aufgewachsen in ärmlichen Verhältnissen?
Ob sie ihm eingeben was er zu sagen hat? Eine Übersetzung würde helfen.
Freitag, 7. Dezember 2012
Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2012
Mittwoch, 5. Dezember 2012
Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012
BBC News HD Syrian rebels try to use prisoner for suicide bomber
BBC Censors Video Showing Syrian Rebels Forcing Prisoner to Become Suicide Bomber
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The BBC has sensationally censored a news story and a video showing Syrian rebels forcing a prisoner to become a suicide bomber, a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, presumably because it reflected badly on establishment media efforts to portray the FSA as glorious freedom fighters.
The video, a copy of which can be viewed above (the original BBC version was deleted), shows Free Syrian Army rebels preparing a bomb that is loaded onto the back of a truck to be detonated at a government checkpoint in the city of Aleppo.
The clip explains how the rebels have commandeered an apartment belonging to a Syrian police captain. The rebels are seen sneering at photos of the police captain's family while they proclaim, "Look at their freedom, look how good it is," while hypocritically enjoying the luxury of the man's swimming pool.
The video then shows a prisoner who the rebels claim belonged to a pro-government militia. Bruises from torture on the prisoner's body are explained away as having been metered out by the man's previous captors. The BBC commentary emphasizes how well the rebels are treating the man, showing them handing him a cigarette.
However, the man has been tricked into thinking he is part of a prisoner exchange program when in reality he is being set up as an unwitting suicide bomber. The prisoner is blindfolded and told to drive the truck towards a government checkpoint.
"What he doesn't know is that the truck is the one that's been rigged with a 300 kilo bomb," states the narrator.
The clip then shows rebels returning disappointed after it's revealed that the remote detonator failed and the bomb did not explode.
The BBC narrator admits that forcing prisoners to become suicide bombers "would certainly be considered a war crime."
New York Times reporters who shot the video claim they had no knowledge of the plot. A longer version of the clip is posted on the New York Times You Tube channel. The title of the clip glorifies the rebel fighters as "The Lions of Tawhid".
Within hours of the story being published, it was subsequently sent down the memory by the BBC. Attempts to reach the original article URL are greeted with a 404 Not Found page.
In addition, a You Tube version of the same video originally posted on the official BBC News 2012 channel was also removed. Although the You Tube page for the video states that it was removed after a "copyright claim by British Broadcasting Corporation" this is a bogus reason, because the video was not uploaded by a third party, it was posted on the official BBC channel, as the screenshot below proves.
"Copyright claim" is a bogus reason for the video's removal because it originally appeared on the official BBC News Channel, and was not uploaded by a third party.
It seems clear that the only reason for the video to be removed would be because senior BBC news editors felt the story reflected badly on the propaganda campaign to characterize the Syrian rebels as venerable and proud freedom fighters, when in reality as we have documented they have been guilty of massacres, kidnappings, torture and other acts of brutality.
This represents a clear effort to hide evidence of Syrian rebels, who the Obama administration recently pledged to support with taxpayer dollars, engaged in war crimes.
In addition, the fact that the rebels, under the direction of Al-Qaeda fighters, are building bombs and carrying out terrorist attacks is something the NATO-aligned media is keen not to emphasize.
This is by no means the first time the BBC has been caught manipulating the news in an effort to propagandize for western military involvement in Syria.
Back in May we exposed how the BBC has used a years-old photo of dead Iraqi children to depict victims of an alleged government assault in the town of Houla.
The photographer who took the original picture, Marco Di Lauro, posted on his Facebook page, "Somebody is using my images as a propaganda against the Syrian government to prove the massacre." Di Lauro told the London Telegraph he was "astonished" the BBC had failed to check to authenticity of the image.
Should the copy at the top of this article also be deleted, an alternate version of the BBC video with added commentary under fair use is embedded below.
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The BBC has sensationally censored a news story and a video showing Syrian rebels forcing a prisoner to become a suicide bomber, a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, presumably because it reflected badly on establishment media efforts to portray the FSA as glorious freedom fighters.
The video, a copy of which can be viewed above (the original BBC version was deleted), shows Free Syrian Army rebels preparing a bomb that is loaded onto the back of a truck to be detonated at a government checkpoint in the city of Aleppo.
The clip explains how the rebels have commandeered an apartment belonging to a Syrian police captain. The rebels are seen sneering at photos of the police captain's family while they proclaim, "Look at their freedom, look how good it is," while hypocritically enjoying the luxury of the man's swimming pool.
The video then shows a prisoner who the rebels claim belonged to a pro-government militia. Bruises from torture on the prisoner's body are explained away as having been metered out by the man's previous captors. The BBC commentary emphasizes how well the rebels are treating the man, showing them handing him a cigarette.
However, the man has been tricked into thinking he is part of a prisoner exchange program when in reality he is being set up as an unwitting suicide bomber. The prisoner is blindfolded and told to drive the truck towards a government checkpoint.
"What he doesn't know is that the truck is the one that's been rigged with a 300 kilo bomb," states the narrator.
The clip then shows rebels returning disappointed after it's revealed that the remote detonator failed and the bomb did not explode.
The BBC narrator admits that forcing prisoners to become suicide bombers "would certainly be considered a war crime."
New York Times reporters who shot the video claim they had no knowledge of the plot. A longer version of the clip is posted on the New York Times You Tube channel. The title of the clip glorifies the rebel fighters as "The Lions of Tawhid".
Within hours of the story being published, it was subsequently sent down the memory by the BBC. Attempts to reach the original article URL are greeted with a 404 Not Found page.
In addition, a You Tube version of the same video originally posted on the official BBC News 2012 channel was also removed. Although the You Tube page for the video states that it was removed after a "copyright claim by British Broadcasting Corporation" this is a bogus reason, because the video was not uploaded by a third party, it was posted on the official BBC channel, as the screenshot below proves.
"Copyright claim" is a bogus reason for the video's removal because it originally appeared on the official BBC News Channel, and was not uploaded by a third party.
It seems clear that the only reason for the video to be removed would be because senior BBC news editors felt the story reflected badly on the propaganda campaign to characterize the Syrian rebels as venerable and proud freedom fighters, when in reality as we have documented they have been guilty of massacres, kidnappings, torture and other acts of brutality.
This represents a clear effort to hide evidence of Syrian rebels, who the Obama administration recently pledged to support with taxpayer dollars, engaged in war crimes.
In addition, the fact that the rebels, under the direction of Al-Qaeda fighters, are building bombs and carrying out terrorist attacks is something the NATO-aligned media is keen not to emphasize.
This is by no means the first time the BBC has been caught manipulating the news in an effort to propagandize for western military involvement in Syria.
Back in May we exposed how the BBC has used a years-old photo of dead Iraqi children to depict victims of an alleged government assault in the town of Houla.
The photographer who took the original picture, Marco Di Lauro, posted on his Facebook page, "Somebody is using my images as a propaganda against the Syrian government to prove the massacre." Di Lauro told the London Telegraph he was "astonished" the BBC had failed to check to authenticity of the image.
Should the copy at the top of this article also be deleted, an alternate version of the BBC video with added commentary under fair use is embedded below.
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