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Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
Völker hört die Signale! Gestern der Irak, heute Libyen, morgen Syrien und dann die ganze Welt! Das ist der Kriegsschrei der „Neuen Weltordnung“ und gleichzeitig die Abkehr von Menschlichkeit und das Ignorieren von Völkerrecht und UN-Charta! Fallt denen in die Arme, die das Töten von Menschen zur Alltäglichkeit werden lassen wollen! Es dient nur Wenigen und nicht Euch! Steht endlich auf und lasst euch nicht belügen! Rettet die Humanität und kämpft für eine friedliche Erde! Der Mensch ist das Maß aller Dinge und nicht die Wenigen, die über Leichenberge ihre Interessen durchsetzen wollen!

Freitag, 23. August 2013

The war crimes of the FSA

  1. MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia Today website published leaked documents which show that Qatar suggested smuggling chemical weapons from Libya to Homs in Syria and using them to frame the Syrian Army, in addition to alluding to western preparations for military invasion of Iran.

    The documents that were hacked from the website of the British company Britam Defence, a company which specializes in protecting facilities in hotspots, training security forces, and providing consultations, also said that Qatar suggested employing Ukrainian mercenaries to be filmed and pretend to be Russians who were captured by the so-called Free Army to embarrass Russia.

    This information was included in a message dated December 24th, 2012, which is the date when certain media outlets claimed that Syria used chemical weapons in Homs, showing correlation between the document and the plans that were set up.

    The documents also alluded to the possibility of the appearance of Russian-speaking individuals who claim to be Russian military experts who will attempt to entangle Damascus and Moscow in problems, and the possibility of publishing videos depicting alleged Russian military personnel fighting alongside the Syrian Army who were captured by the Free Army, when in fact they're mercenaries of Slavic descent. 

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